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The Language Art And Cultural Connotation Of Auspicious Words

Posted on:2012-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338465750Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Auspicious words, as one important part of folk vocabulary, are the result of social culture and the crystallization of wisdom and play an important role in human communication. This thesis makes a generalization, summary and further exploration about auspicious words from the perspectives of meanings, characteristics, functions, contents and applications, This thesis put its emphasis on the rhetoric art and cultural significance by application of theory such as folklore, rhetoric and linguistics. The rhetoric art of auspicious words has been conveyed through the application of phonetic approach and rhetoric devices and their effect. Meanwhile, the auspicious words have reflected the plentiful culture information covering material culture, institutional culture and psychological culture. The comprehensive and scrutinized research of auspicious words contributes to appreciate the extensive and profound cultural connotation of Chinese from another perspective and give its full play in usage of everyday life. Meanwhile, it studies the heritage and evolution of auspicious words from the diachronic perspectives, presenting different features in different stages and the new change under the impact of novel things and new concepts at the present as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Auspicious Words, Rhetorical Arts, Cultural Connotation, Heritage And Evolution
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