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.21 Century United States Congress To Affect The Decision-making Mechanism In China

Posted on:2012-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B R LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of 21st century, Sino-US relation has gone through up and downs. According to US Constitution, Congress enjoyed the right of legislation, supervision and finance. So Congress takes an important say in making foreign policy. Since the last 10 years, Congress has played a vital role in Sino-US foreign policy making mechanism.The paper can be divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 illustrates Congress's functions in making foreign policy. Chapter 2 analyzed the changes taken place in Congress's decision-making mechanism in the 21st century. Chapter 3 explores the reasons of these changes. Chapter 4 is the key of the thesis paper, which raises the three new characteristics in Congress's decision-making mechanism in the 21st century. The three characteristics are as follows. First, Congress leaders take the lead in influencing Congress decision-making mechanism.. Second, Committees are liable to checks and balances. Thirdly, Congress's Blue Team draws a hard line in Sino-US relation.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, US, Congress, Congress diplomacy, American China Policy Decision-Making Mechanism
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