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Research On The Ideological And Political Education Function Of The Community Communication In China's Urban Areas

Posted on:2013-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H D XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330374974410Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the economy in the past thirty years, we haveobtained tremendous achievements of the material civilizationconstruction, however, there are two problems we have to deal with.Firstly, compared with the material civilization construction, theideological and ethical construction is delayed. Secondly, thecitizen's concept of right and wrong, the concept of honor and the corevalues of the society are weakening. The situations of development incities and towns are unbalanced, and the development of cities isobviously faster than that of towns. As a result, the ways and the amountsof the city dwellers acquiring information are far more than the towndwellers. But the city dwellers are more likely to be bothered and misledby the mass negative information. Because of the reasons given above,itis a necessary to direct the project of the community communication inChina's urban areas.To solve the problems as the author analyzesabove,we should control the basic approaches of the communitycommunication to internalize the citizens' inner beliefs of values and ideological and moral qualities what the society required. It is essentialto establish the proper concept of right and wrong, the concept of honorand values for the purpose of strengthen the core values of socialism.Urban communities are fundamental parts of cities, and the generalaffairs of the communities are closely related to the residents' learning,working and life. For example, many living aspects of inhabitants arerelied on the managements of the communities. On the one hand, many partsof community work can be classified to communication work on thecommunication perspective, and the community workers are the disseminatorof the community information as well. On the other hand, it tells in acertain degree that there could be no community without communication forthe same English word root of"community" and "communication",andvice versa. The community workers are the ideological and politicaleducation workers to a certain extent deal to the nature of the communitywork. Hence, the proposition of the ideological and political educationfunction of the community communication can be set. It is a complete newstudy of the ideological and political education function of the communitycommunication in the realm of communication.In addition, it is aprecedent in the realm of the ideological and political education functionof the community communication by using the way of empirical research,which is used to investigate the problems and solutions of the ideologicaland political education function of the community communication.The statistics collected by the empirical research in thedissertation is used to show what the situation and the obstacles of theurban community communication. This paper will contribute to present theworking mechanism of the urban community communication and theinhabitants' evaluations on the urban community communication. Severalsuggestions are proposed to enhance the ideological and politicaleducation function of the community communication at the end of the paper. The author wished to give some practical reference to the urban communitycommunication, so that the ideological and political education functionof the urban community communication can be realized during the communitycommunication and the ideological and political education implemented.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban communities, communication, the ideologicaland political education Function
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