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Research On Peasants' Community Participation

Posted on:2012-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D F WeiFull Text:PDF
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As China has entered a critical period of economic development and social reform, the countryside has also been experiencing a transition from semi-rural community to a full open one, from a natural economy to a market economy. It is the orientation and the goal for the construction of a new rural community to build and consummate the mechanism for peasant's participation and to improve the ability of community participation of peasants; It is an indispensable condition for the construction of the socialist new countryside to expand the participation of peasants actively, and to mobilize groups, organizations to join the rural community.This research is about the related political, economic, and cultural capacity for peasants' participation into a community, under the background of the construction of a new rural countryside. Besides, the research aims to promote some proper countermeasures in improving the capacity of peasants' community participation, through the description and analysis to the peasants' participation at present. The author of this paper puts forth a hypothesis on the base of an analysis to the current problems of the community participation, he believes the stronger the sense of identity, and the closer the profits of the public activities related to the peasants, the higher degree participation will be available got by the peasants to take part in the community.In this dissertation, the problem about the participation of community building faced by the community residents is described at first, and then the influence factors are discussed. An investigation about the participation awareness and motivation is carried out. The community participation capability in rural communities is categorized into political participation, economic participation, cultural participation and social participation. The participation capability difference is analyzed based on the identity difference, political difference and economical difference of farmers. A detail description is shown with the specific situation of HePing Village in SS Town. Rural residents' complicated rights and service demand need to be solved through grassroots self-governing, social management focus gradually slow down, rural community has become government entities at all levels strengthen social management and public service in important fields. The state and society are two different institution systems, in the process of community participation that how to deal with the relationship between them has become a inevitable problem. On the basis of specific studies, this paper concludes that "strong in state, weak society" pattern of state and society that highly dependent, the breakthrough of how to change the situation is to cut state rights and realize separating national rights from social rights. Therefore, accelerating the community development, expanding social autonomy function, and improving the farmer's self-organizing degree should change national arranged society, the unity of the state and society, the old pattern of social rights limit state intervention in certain scope, prevent the penetration of national rights unlimited to social each corner, make the country right social sector moderate from launch, except involving the whole society to the macro social affairs management authority gradually returned to society, realize transferring national rights to social rights orderly, which would provide conditions for all types of social organizations, create environment, make them get the necessary survival and development space.
Keywords/Search Tags:farmers, community participating, the state, society
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