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High School Thought Political Lesson Dialogue Teaching Application Strategy Research

Posted on:2012-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330368495848Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dialogue teaching is a dialogue this time spirit education field in the specific performance, under the background of the new curriculum, dialogue teaching is not only a kind of teaching methods, is also a kind of new teaching form and teaching principles. The principle of teaching thought that the teaching process of the teachers and students, text and corresponding education environment are equal dialogue subject, all participating in conversations in the main body of democracy, equality, full of humanistic atmosphere free exchange, actively explore, in the process of knowledge not only realize dialog subject reconstruction, experience, horizon, the fusion of the more major is met and experience sharing in spirit in learning to each other, so as to realize the open and acceptance of individual life education of growth, reveal originally value.The letter divides into three chapters:The first chapter discusses the related theory of dialogue teaching. Through dialogue teaching related to the definition, basic concepts of dialogue teaching relevant theoretical basis for the discussion and the dialogue teaching the characteristics and types of comprehensive analysis, make all of the dialogue teaching basic problem is a plus.The second chapter to the thought political lesson is the necessity of implementing dialogue teaching problems are analyzed. Mainly from high school's body and mind development characteristics, the thought political lesson's disciplinary nature and the effectiveness of the effect of classroom teaching elaborates the necessity.The third chapter is in the first two chapters about dialogue teaching on the basis of theoretical analysis, proposed the thought political lesson dialogue teaching application strategy. Mainly includes dialogue teaching strategy basis and strategy advice two questions.We hope that this paper pectination and explore the thought political lesson for current classroom teaching of reference and help provide slightly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dialogue, Dialogue teaching, The thought political lesson dialogue teaching, Application strategies
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