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Establish The Values Of Contemporary College Students Study Social Problems

Posted on:2012-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330368997297Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Values in essence belongs to the category of social consciousness, it is the attitude, opinion or claim of how people define value, treat value and establish value judgment and value measure methods. At the present stage of our country, the college students' values are often affected by the economic mode of production, by mode of social interaction and by culture security environment. At present, due to the insufficient and weak in traditional values, the impact of foreign values as well as the limitations of one's own qualities, colleague students don't have a scientific cognition and rational judgment toward what is right or wrong, good or evil, gorgeous or ugly, true or false in daily life. This has been particularly reflected on the lack, dislocation and vagueness college students' correct value judgment and justice measure standards. As one outstanding group among youngsters, college students' values are not only one organic component of the whole social values, it also has its own distinctive characteristics.In order to clarify the value system of nowadays university students, this thesis concludes in a rather systematic way by analyzing the basic components of the concept value itself at first, that is occupational values, marriage values, consumption values, human values, political values and moral values. Commencing on the main problems and reasons emerged from the value of university students, this thesis is intended to make an analysis of problems which need to be solved immediately and these problems arise as a result of various factors, namely, potential weakness of the mainstream values, popularity of material comforts view and the decay of moral ethnics in the multicultural context of social transformation era. In accordance with the materials we have at present, we can come to the conclusion that distort of university students' value is not unreasonable. During the process of pursuing and realizing their own value, the college students prefer a more materialized, utilitarian as well as bottom-lined way. This thesis ends up with remodeling and improvement of value system of nowadays university students and clarifies basic principles that should be followed in the college students' educational process--respecting the diversity of the value principle, insisting on the guideline of value principle, guiding the correctness of the value principle. Rightly initiating from all these principles, the thesis illustrates the basic countermeasures and measures in a relatively comprehensive thorough way, which can be classified into confirmation about the value of contemporary college students' values education, mining the thought of traditional culture resources, improvement of the trinity education system as well as promotion of college students' self education ability. In fact, college years are not only the most important stage for the youth to form and establish values, but also a crucial period to give them the scientific,systematic and overall values education. Only when the college students form and establish such scientific, advanced and exalted values will they meet the needs of the economic and social development, be competent for a qualified builder and successor of Chinese characteristic socialism and undertake the historic mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new century. Therefore, attributing to the specialty of this youth group----college students, laws of college students' growth and higher education should be respected in good measure, and through the good interaction and complementary advantages of college education, family education and social education, the ideal of communism, the belief of Chinese characteristic socialism, patriotism, collective spirit, team spirit and sense of gratitude should be utilized to guide contemporary college students to form and establish scientific, advanced and exalted values gradually.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students' value, problems, education countermeasures
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