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Separation And Identification And Bioactivity Of Anthocyanidins From Berberis In Xinjiang

Posted on:2013-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330392955100Subject:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Berberis kaschgarica Rapr., Berberis thunbergii cv.atropurpurea and Berberis-atrocarpa Schneid. from three kinds of fruits of Berberis in south of Xinjiang was us-ed as material. Both methods of traditional and modern were adoped to identify the s-tructure of anthocyanidin from three kinds of fruits. Studied on bioactivity of it.This experiment was used ultrasonic extraction solvent method, with D101type ofmacroporous adsorption resin to purify anthocyanins. Both methods of spectroscopy a-nd chromatography were adoped to identify initially the struc-ture of anthocyanidin fr-om three kinds of fruits of Berberis in south of Xinjiang. The results show the typeof anthocyanidin in Berberis kaschgarica Rapr. Was Cyanidin, Delphinium, Peonidin, P-etunidin and Malvidin, with glucose or galaxies glycoside at C-3; Berberis thunbergiicv.atropurpurea had two kinds of anthocyanidin, Pelargonidin and Malvidin, with gluc-ose or galaxies at C-3. Pelargonidin and Cyandin was identified in Berberis atrocarpaSchneid., it had glucose or galaxies at C-3.A systematic method for anthocyanins identification using LG-MS was developed, i-ncluding mass spectrometry full scan, daughter scan, parent scan, to isolation and ide-ntification of anthocyanins in Berberis kaschgarica Rapr., Berberis thunbergii cv.atropu-rpurea and Berberis atrocarpa Schneid.. The results indicated the type of anthocyanidin Berberiskaschgarica Rapr. Was Cyandin-3-gl-ucosid, Cyandin-3-galactoside, Delphiniu-m-3-galactoside, Delphinium-3-glucoside, Peonidin-3-glucoside, Peonidin-3-galactoside,Petunidin-3-glucoside, Malvidi-n-3-glucoside, Malvidin-3-galactoside; The type of anthoc-yanidin in Berberis thunbergii cv.atropurpurea was Cyandin-3-glucoside, Peonidin-3-glu-coside, Peon-idin-3-galactoside; The type of anthocyanidin in Berberis atrocarpa Schn-eid.was Cyandin-3-glucoside, Cyandin-3-galactoside, Pelargonidin-3-glucoside.Methods Infrared spectrophotometry with potassium bromide tabletting was adopted.Results The IR spectra of anthocyanidin were the same as the standard spectra. They structure similar, contain benzene rings, oxygen heterocyclic, methoxysugar and hydro-xyl structure.The total anthocyanins and polyphenol content from three kinds of fruits of Berbe-ris were analyzed by pH differential method and Folin-Ciocalteu colo-rimetry respecti-vely; The results indicated that anthocyanin content in Berberi-s kaschgarica Rapr. ranged from777.6to102.2mg cyaniding-3-glucoside eq-uivalent per100g fresh berries;anthocyanin content in Berberis thunbergii c-v.atropurpurea ranged from1478.5to41-1.7mg cyaniding-3-glucoside equivalent per100g fresh berries; anthocyanin contentin Berberis atrocarpa Schneid. ranged from78.05to12.09mg cyaniding-3-glucoside e-quivalent per100g fresh berries and polyphenol content in Berberis kaschgarica Rap-r. ranged from443.29to113.14mg gallic acid equivalent per100g fresh berries; p-olyphenol content in Berberis thunbergii cv.atropurpurea ranged from150.42to29.77mg gallic acid equivalent per100g fresh berries; polyphenol content in Berberis atro-carpa Schneid. ranged from154.35to27.89mg gallic acid equ-ivalent per100g fres-h berries.The experiment evaluation in antioxidant capacity with Trolox as comparis-on, thro-ugh two kinds of in vitro antioxidant model:·DPPH and ABTS+. The results show t-hat: Trolox had the greatest DPPH free-radical-scavenging capa-city in Berberis kasch-garica Rapr., Berberis thunbergii cv.atropurpurea and Berberis atrocarpa Schneid.. Ber-beris thunbergii cv.atropurpurea and Berberis atrocarpa Schneid. had the greater ABT-S+free-radical-scavenging capacity than Trolox.The X-ray radiation of Berberis thunbergii cv.atropurpurea pigment was st-udied byzebrafish embryo protection assays in combination with three biomar-kers, including s-usuperoxide dismutase(SOD), malondialdehyde(MDA), and reactive oxygen species(ROS). The results indicated that Berberis thunbergii cv.a-tropurpurea pigment extacts hadradiation protection of zebrafish embryos. It’s mechanism may improve the SOD active-ty in zebrafish embryo, reducing production of oxygen free radical and antioxidationactivity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Berberis kaschgarica Rapr., Berberis thunbergii cv.atropurpurea, Berberis atrocarpa Schneid., isolation and identification, bioactivity
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