Wen Yiduo is a famous expert of “Book of Songs” in the early of republic ofChina, his study can Surpass the predecessors bound, quite have the innovation, quote alarge number of the new research methods reference, and Started Chinese the “Book ofSongs” of new research direction. Besides his use of the traditional method of textualexegesis, but also from such as anthropology, theory of literature and art, linguisticsAngle discusses the “Book of Songs”, and obtained results. This article through to WenYiduo’s “Book of Songs”, research achievement evaluation to be simple, Sure he in the“Book of Songs” learn history status and influence.The thesis is divided into four part:The first part introduces Wen Yiduo’s life and the “Book of Songs” research work,explore the academia, research the status of the Wen Yiduo’s “Book of Songs”. Hesubject to the influence of classical Chinese culture and Western culture, TsinghuaUniversity and the United States education, This makes him a mixture of traditional andnew ideas, with his “Book of Songs” emancipate the mind, breaking the traditionalConfucian characteristics.The second part account of Wen Yiduo’s inheritance and innovation in the “Bookof Songs”, he is in “Book of Songs” by the Qing dynasty qianjia faction and gushibianfaction research on impact, widely collected evidence, attach importance to textualcriticism, but do not completely believe that the old view, skeptical of the previousstatement, start from the interpretation of the character and made a lot of new views.The third part from exegetical methods in “the book of songs” dig Wen Yiduo’sresearch achievements, from the two aspects: first is the inheritance and development ofthe traditional methods of textual, such as to find meaning according to the shape, tofind meaning based on sound, collect examples to explain the significance and explainthe meaning through textual; the second is found a new perspective of “Book of Songs”reserch, such as theory of literature and art, folklore, religion and fable, totem andReproductive worship, rhetoric.The fourth part explore the deficiencies of Wen Yiduo’s “Book of Songs” on theexegetical, from the two aspects: first is some of these points is incorrect, such as “si”and “zhi”,“zhaozhao”,”you”; the second is for some conclusions, Wen Yiduo explain ina reasonable and have point of view novel, but the traditional training is not necessarilywrong, such as “tan”,“yaoyao”,“jie”. The interpretation of the “Book of Songs”, Theview is not the same in two thousand years, the comments of many words so far isdifficult to determine. There is no doubt that some of Wen Yiduo’s conclusions can notbe a conclusive, as well as open to question, there is no doubt that he open up a newpath for the “Book of Songs”, many of his views so far as scholars refer to, he worthy ofone of the founders of modern "Book of Songs". |