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"The Pursuit Of Beauty"-Research On Wen Yiduo's Book Design

Posted on:2020-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ZhengFull Text:PDF
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After the May 4th Movement,the form of books gradually evolved into modern form like paperback or hardcover.With the further integration of politics,economy and culture,the publishing industry have completed the transformation from tradition to modern in the early 20 th century.Under the great wave of the new cultural movement,a peak period of book publishing has come to China.The art circle also launched a revolution under the influence of the new cultural wave.The art of bookbinding is an important part of the revolution.The leaders of the New Culture Movement began to realize that book art is a necessary means of proletarian cultural construction cause,and book covers can play an important role in promoting new ideas and cultural enlightenment.On the active initiative of celebrities in cultural circles such as Lu Xun,many painters,writers and publishers are committed to creating a new situation in book design.Wen Yiduo is one of those outstanding book design designers.He is both an influential writer and a professionally trained painter who was grounded in Chinese ancient civilization studies,and had studied abroad.He is a typical figure of book designers during the Republican period.Wen Yiduo is good at thinking and dares to try various kind of diversifying artworks.His theoretical research and artistic practice supplement each other and leave a valuable artistic legacy for people.As a famous poet,scholar and great democracy fighter,Wen Yiduo has long been known.With the deepening of his research over years,his talents,exploration and contribution in the field of art have gradually attracted people's attention.Combining Wen Yiduo's aesthetic thinking to analyze his artworks can further understand his aesthetic ideals and artistic pursuits,so that people can understand his life value from a new perspective.Wen Yiduo carried his pursuit of beauty to the book design.His forward-looking views in the art of book decoration still have certain guiding significance for the development of book design.The arduous exploration that Wen Yiduo and his contemporaries had made in book design is the best guide for contemporary Chinese book designers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wen Yiduo, Book Decoration, Design, Art
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