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The Huang Qiuyuan Accumulated Ink Landscape Painting Of Art Research

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395496144Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Huang Qiuyuan is the representative figure of traditional Chinese landscape painting inthe1970s and a painter who has extremely comprehensive artistic accomplishments.He is notonly proficient in landscape, flowers and birds, characters and circle painting but also good atpoetizing and calligraphyHuang Qiuyuan’s landscape paintings have multiple faces, hismature Integrated ink landscape painting which embodies profound aesthetic and culturalconnotation of the Chinese traditional painting is unique.Huang Qiuyuan reintegrated the traditional landscape painting which have lost their truevein and dying of traditiongal landscape painting and put it to a peak. His works is famous forhierarchical rich,lush scenery,vast vigorous and meteorological grand. This article mainlythrough analyzing the Huang Qiuyuan’s mature Integrated ink landscape painting, which hecreated from the year1970to the year before his death, study the use of Integrated inkmethod in Huang Qiuyuan’s landscape painting and the hidden deep meaning and significanceof his painting.The article is divided into six parts:introduction,four chapters of main bodyand conclusion.The introduction primarily introduces the historical background of HuangQiuyuan’s painting to lead the main body.The first chaper mainiy introduces the origin ofHuang Qiuyuan’s integrated ink landscape painting,from two aspects,life origin and inheritedrelationship,are goning to be expounded;The two chapter,from the perspective of artisticcharacteristics,the second chapter mainly introduce the composition,brushwork,ink and inkgully phase,one integrated mass.From the perspective of aesthetics,the third chapter mainlyanalyzes its aesthetic connotation.Last chapter,disscuss Huang Qiuyuan jimo langscapepainting of the value and significance.Huang Qiuyuan landscape painting art has a unique personality characteristics.His laterbig Integrated ink landscape on the basis of inheriting the painter of song dynasty,combinating with his feelings,was created and formed a unique artistic style. By strong selfexpression,huangqiuyuan depicted the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.Hecame from the traditional, and then develop and break through the traditional, forming hisown unique landscape.
Keywords/Search Tags:Integrated ink, landscape painting, Huang Qiuyuan
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