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The Spirit Of The Theory Of Man's All-round Development Horizon

Posted on:2013-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330371469678Subject:Marxist philosophy
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Human is conscious beings. It’s consciousness that makes a distinction between human andanimals and reflects human’s characteristics. So, as an important level of individual human’s life,spiritual life has a close contact with essence of human, it’s human’s essential characteristics andan important part of individual human’s life style. With the establishment of market economy,both the level of productivity and economy improve rapidly, people living standard has greatimprovement. Under this background, human’s spiritual interests appears gradually with themental interests, the contents of the spiritual demand are richer, and people love positive andhealthy lifestyle. On the other hand, because of the urgent heartstrings of their becoming rich,Chinese pay more attention to creation and asking for material wealth, they fall into quagmire ofMaterialism and hedonism. The spiritual interest realization appears countermarch, loses itsindependence, and changes to an accessory of economic development. This article will make thespiritual interests main line, describe philosophical implication of spiritual interests, discuss therelationship between the spiritual interests and all-around development of people, analyze thecurrent situation of spiritual interests realization of the Chinese in nowadays and put forward themethodology principle and concrete ways to realizing person’s spiritual interests.This article is mainly divided into four parts:Part one: the philosophical implication and characteristics and classification of spiritualinterests. Firstly, this part explains the implication of spiritual interests. The spiritual interest is avalue relationship between the people and people or people and spiritual demands. Secondly, thispart analyzes the characteristics of spiritual interests that include subjectivity, objective realityand social historicity. Thirdly, this part describes the classification of spiritual interests.According to interest subject whether damages to social or other’s interests or not, we can dividethe interests into justifiable spiritual interests and improper spiritual interests. According to theinterest subject’s level, we can divide the interests into Individual’s spiritual interests, group’sspiritual interests and human subject’s spiritual interests.Part two: the spiritual interests and all-around development of people. Firstly, this partanalyzes the relationship between the spiritual interests and all-around development of people.The spiritual interests are not only an important aspect of people’s all-around development, but also ultimate goal of people’s all-around development. Secondly, this part analyzes the spiritualinterests’double functions in the people’s all-around development from the positive and negativeaspects. The positive functions of spiritual interests are as follows: it is the root of peoplepromotes their all–around development, it is beneficial to stimulating people’s vitality anddeveloping people’s potentiality, and it can improve people’s holistic quality. The negativefunctions of spiritual interests are as follows: people seek for the spiritual interests irrelevantlywill impact the realization of mental interests, the human’s spiritual world and human existencesocial environment.Part Three: the current situation of spiritual interests realization of the Chinese person innowadays. In this part, there are three subsections. Subsection one summarizes new featureswhich present in the realization of the Chinese in nowadays; Subsection two gives a briefgeneralization about the practical dilemma of spiritual interests realization which include thevulgarization of the spiritual interests carrier, the immorality in the process of pursuing thespiritual interests and the belief crisis of the spiritual interests content. Subsection threespecifically analyzes the reasons why the realization of Chinese spiritual interests gets intoscrapes from economic, political, cultural and personal point of view.Part four: the methodology principle and concrete ways to realize spiritual interests. Inconnection with the problems which appears in the realization process of spiritual interests, thispart provides principles that must be followed, which include the combination oftranscendentality and actuality, the combination of abstractness and concreteness, thecombination of practicalness and theoreticalness, the combination of motility and passivity.Directly towards at the reason why spiritual interests gets into scrapes, this part discourses theconcrete ways of realizing of spiritual interests in detail which contains four aspects: economicaspect, developing socialist productive forces which lay foundations to the spiritual interestsrealization; political aspects, developing socialist democracy which provide well environment tothe spiritual interests realization; cultural aspect, developing advanced culture and promoting thepeople’s quality; personal aspect, reinforcing self- improvement and realizing the spiritualinterests in the practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:spiritual interests, human’s all-around development, the way of realization
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