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Marxist Ecological Thought On The Meaning Of Ecological Civilization Construction In Our Country

Posted on:2013-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330362969320Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the practical needs of social development and with the trends ofgradual adverse global environmental, especially the transition of modern society.Emphasizing more on economic development and social progress but ignoring theecological environment. Therefore, In order to achieve a harmonious society, to laythe foundation for a social ecological civilization and to create conditions of furtheraddress and to improve the social and ecological environment, we must strengthen thestudy of the ecological theory of Marxism.After the reform and opening up, the economic development of our society hasmaintained a momentum of a rapid growth, which leads the people’s living standardsand their material and spiritual life to improve quickly. However, social rapiddevelopment has caused the backwardness of the concept of human ecology, althoughbefore the advent of modern industry, the ecological problems still existed, but it wasnot like a serious threat to the global ecological problems. Therefore, the active andrational coordination of aspects of the relationship between the paths of sustainabledevelopment has become a major strategic choice for building a harmonious societyin our country. The emergence of ecological problems forced us to follow the relevanttheoretical support to explore the ecological thoughts of Marxism and to build aharmonious socialism. The congress of the Communist Party of China described thenew requirements of building goal of being a moderate prosperous society. To buildthe objectives of the ecological civilization construction, tasks, requirements andmeasures. Material civilization is the outcome of the transformation of naturalsubstances in the human society in social development, which is the performance ofthe material production of progress and improvement of people’s material life;ecological civilization is that humanity are in the process of development of material civilization to improve the ecological environment of the outcome, it is theperformance of humans and the progress of natural harmony and it also enhancespeople’s concept of ecological civilization. At the same time, the report also makesclear that the implement of the scientific concept of development builds a harmonioussocialism. Facing contemporary society in all aspects of the discordant, has become aserious problem to the target of a harmonious society, theoretical issues such asecological problems, is also an urgent need to solve a real problem.Therefore, to integrate ecological thoughts of Marxism and the construction ofecological civilization together, maintaining the right to reveal the relationshipsbetween man and nature and to maximize the coordination between man and nature,and natural ecosystems and socio-ecological system optimization and benignoperation. The most critical problems are ecological, economic, social harmony andsustainable development for us humans in the society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological thoughts of Marxism, Ecological civilization, Harmonious construction, Enlightenment and significance
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