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On The Socialist Marriage And Family Values’Development In China

Posted on:2013-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374470885Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Built on the basis of socialist public ownership, socialist marriage and family values adapt to the socialist system and reflect all the ideas on the marriage and family relations in socialist society. Marx, Engels and Lenin, those three classic Marxist writers, researched the socialist marriages and families and put forward their socialist views of marriage and family, morality, rights and obligations, and birth perspective. This thesis has generally summarized the classical writers’socialist marriage and family values. Combined with the practice of socialism, this thesis explains the main contents of the socialist marriage and family values:the basis of the socialist marriage and family is love; the basic moral requirements are marriage freedom, mutual loyalty between couples and mutual respect between family members; the rights and obligations for marriage family members are legally equal; the core of birth perspective is of eugenic and superior nurture. This thesis also describes the socialist marriage and family values’spread and development in China since the new democratic revolution. Meanwhile, this thesis tries to point out the probable prospects of the Chinese socialist marriage and family values:in Chinese futural society, people will pay attention to the marriage and family values which are based on family love; it will value the individual development, and pay attention to the marriage quality; it will adhere to the substantial monogamy idea; it will pay attention to the equality between family members, and strongly condemn the abuser of family violence; and it will pay more attention to the personal property of husband and wife.
Keywords/Search Tags:Socialism, Marriage and Family, Marriage Law, Love, Morality, Rightsand Obligations, Birth
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