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Pastoral Nomads Rights Concept And Problems In Social Change

Posted on:2013-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D CaoFull Text:PDF
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The villagers’ committee election system is the most extensive range of practical way of our democracy practiced in a wide range of rural, but also an important part of villagers’ autonomy system. Law of its fair implementation related to the interests of farmers and herdsmen, or even related to the stability of rural the practice of China’s village elections, the effectiveness of different places there is a big difference. Some local villagers attach great importance to their democratic rights, and actively participate in the elections, and some local villagers on the election to take a very indifferent attitude. In the practice of village committee elections, and what factors affect the degree of participation in the election of the villagers?Wulanchabu Siziwangqi Bayan Chowk Figure town of Bayan Xi Lega investigation the Gacha long election for the main object of study, by interview and file investigations, the material collected on a questionnaire survey method based on account of the election how the situation in the Mongolian and mixed animal husbandry Gacha, analyze the cause and effect, provided useful suggestions for the effective implementation of the election.The full text of the Introduction, the main by the of three chapters Conclusion of three sections. Introduction The main account of the topic shows that Research the first chapter, first introduced the survey points Bayan Xi Lega check the historical overview and the status quo, followed by the specific introduction the Bayan Xi Lega check seventh Gacha long general election process. Chapter Ⅱ-depth analysis of various factors influence the election variable. The third chapter presents a number of issues in the the Gacha long election, and put forward useful suggestions. The conclusion section summarizes the main points of this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gacha mayoral election in pastoral areas of social change interests in thequestion of perception
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