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The Study On Social Insurance Problems Of Floating People In Changchun-Jilin-Tumenjiang Regional Development And Opening-up Pioneer Zone

Posted on:2013-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Population flow is an inevitable social phenomenon in the process of the rapideconomic development and social system transformation in china, which speeds upthe process of urbanization, and provides an inexhaustible motive force for thedevelopment of economy. In2009, the state council officially reply” China’scooperation Development Plan in Tumenjiang Area-taking Chang-Ji-Tu as the pilotarea of developing and opening-up”, which will bring this area rapid economic andsocial development in a short future and attract more massive floating population tocome here. The development of economy provides material foundation for thestability of the society, social stability is also the condition of the economicdevelopment.In order to promote economic development, local government need toguarantee the floating population social security rights and interests, and reduce theunstable social factors, increase power support. Therefore, this paper is to hopeprovides the basis formulate the relevant public service policy.Many scholars had made a great deal of research of social insurance problems forfloating population in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen. Then inChangchun-Jilin-Tumenjiang Regional Development and Opening-up Pioneer Zonewhich locate in the less development northeastern in China, distinction of socialinsurance of the floating population between this areas and other areas, what factorsaffect the region of floating population of the social insurance problem, this papermainly do the following research, and try to answer the questions above.Firstly, the writer makes the comparison of the floating population betweenBeijing and Dong guan through the literature research and analyzes characteristics of the floating population in different areas. Secondly, the writer uses dates collected bypopulation institute of northeast Asia research from research group "Collection ofinformation from floating population in Changchun-Jilin-Tumenjiang RegionalDevelopment and Opening-up Pioneer Zone "in October,2010. The target area, thepaper analyses the characteristics of the floating population of the population, theresults show that the characteristics of the floating population and guide developedarea has its own characteristics. At the same time, the writer make use of the Logisticregression analysis factors and descriptive statistical analysis to analyze each societyinsurance participation and the influencing factors, the study found that, the educationlevel of floating population makes the biggest contribution to participate influence invarious social insurance, labor contract, job training, age, different cities alsoinfluence to the participation in it. While the gender, the factor of Children Suiqian,Spouse Suiqian, marital status and source of income have the lower impact, and someeven can be neglected, the paper also analyzes participation in social insurance fromindividual, enterprise and national three levels. Finally, this paper discusses socialinsurance policy Suggestions in the area, which mainly points three aspects: one is,,building a classification of social insurance system in the principles of fairness andsharing,and cost is shared by country, enterprise employers and individuals threeparties; Two is national and local governments should deepen the understanding,walk out of thought erroneous zone, floating population, especially before age40,who left the land, security of land for them is quite low, so they should bring intourban planning, and pay close attention to its growing social insurance needs; Three is,lay down and implement the social insurance system of supporting policies, such asimproving the education level of the floating population, promoting education fairness,promoting the household registration system reform, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Floating population, Social insurance, Influence factors, Logisticregression model
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