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On The Value Orientation Of Modern School System

Posted on:2013-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330371493029Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The school system is the standard for school practice activity and the internal relationship of the school, modern school system is the best reflection to adapt to the requirement of market economic system. In the research of the system, the most important is its value orientation, value orientation is the basic of system construction, system is the carrier and embodiment of a certain kind of value orientation. The establishment and innovation of any system, should be controlled and restricted by the value orientation. Value orientation is a strong driving force to promote the practice of the modern school system forward. It has a major-oriented, driven, constraint and inspection functions. To clear the value orientation of the modern school system is necessary and sufficient conditions of the construction of the modern school system.For a long time, the traditional school system has emphasized that education should serve the political and economic and neglects the essential natural relationship that education services directly through human to achieve the services for the political and economic indirectly, leaving the value orientation of the school system become to the official standard from people oriented, external control to replace the schools’ internal self-control, educate the people into shape them. Not only relieves the humanistic meaning of education, alienates the value of education orientation, but also directly affects the value orientation of school system.This article introduces the research background of the modern school system, describes the research value of the value orientation of modern school system, explores the value proposition of this topic from the differences between the modern school system and the traditional school system to. All above is to establish a correct concept of system and analytical framework.Value orientation of the school system is multiple, only the reasonable value orientation can make the education return to the essence of achieving all-round development of people. The basic value orientation of the modern school system has only two aspects, science and humanity. Science reflects the rules of development and the law of development of the school system. Humanity is embodied in the basic demands of education and school system serving people. If regard the school system as a three-dimensional structure, science and humanity is the vertical axis and horizontal axis of the three-dimensional development of the school system. The article launches in-depth discussion on the scientific orientation of the modern school system from modern, efficient, harmonious three aspects. And the humane orientation reflects human nature of the modern school system, its core is love. This kind of human love in modern school system value orientation reflect as morality, justice and democracy.The article also focuses on the function of the value orientation of modern school system and provides a reasonable explanation for the reality conversion on the value orientation of modern school system. It discusses conditions of reality from both inside and outside in detail and the ways to achieve transformation from improving the democratic decision-making mechanism, clearing responsibility management system, strengthening the supervision and balances, participating cooperation mechanism and establishing equal competition mechanism and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern school system, value orientation, value location, functionalanalysis, reality conversion
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