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Constructivism Learning Theory Under The Guide Of The High School Chemistry Teaching Case Study

Posted on:2013-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374961017Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory of constructivism had dramatically developed during the last three decades. As a keysubfield of cognitive theory, modern constructivism has affected the developments of learning theories andteaching activities extensively and deeply. It emphasizes the following: First, knowledge of human’s is notone hundred present objective. Then, students’ knowledge is not inculcated by teachers but learns from theprocess of knowledge construction. Thirdly, knowledge is not formed itself but gained gradually in theprocess of interacts with external environments. Last, students are the hosts of studying, not the objectsinculcated by teachers in tradition cognitive theory.Constructivism emphasizes that the students are the key roles in the teaching-studying circles, so theteaching designs under the guide of constructivism also take students as the main part during the teachingprocesses and inspire students to explore, discover and do the knowledge-construction themselves actively.Some research methods such as reference, survey and etc. are used in this paper to study the educationof chemistry under the guide of constructivism learning theory in high school. And three different teachingdesigns which uses three respective teaching methods of constructivism teaching model are provided in thispaper, through which to summarize the issues may occurred when using the constructivism teaching andlearning theory in high school chemistry education.This paper contains three parts: introduction, chemistry education in high school under the theory ofconstructivism and conclusion. The introduction mainly introduces the intellectual context, primaryopinions, teaching models and teaching methods of constructivism theory. The second part which is themain body of this paper firstly presents the connections between constructivism theory and the revolutionin chemistry education of high school, thus builds the rationale for using the theory to guide the teachingactivities which will be discussed next. Secondly, analyses the current education situation which under thetheory of constructivism in high school by surveying, and these situations represent the insufficient of usingconstructivism theory in high school education. Finally proposed three specific teaching cases to illustratehow to use the constructivism theory guide the chemistry education in high school. These three casesclearly present the combination of constructivism theory and the activities of chemistry education in high school by using Scaffolding Instruction, Anchored instruction and Random Entrance Instruction that all ofwhich are the teaching methods under the constructivism teaching model. Conclusion, what is the last part,thought the research discussed above concludes the problems and solutions when using the constructivismtheory guiding the chemistry education in high school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Constructivism, Chemistry Education in High School, Scaffolding Instruction, Anchoredinstruction, Random Entrance Instruction
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