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A Research Of Teaching Models In High School English Reading

Posted on:2005-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360152976136Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reading is the most important purpose and also the most important means of language learning. This paper analyzes the cognitive patterns and the relationship between teachers and students with a probe into the construction methods of English self-access learning model based on teaching and learning of English reading. it sets forth the idea that senior middle school English teacher plays an essential role in planning teaching procedures, designing and constructing teaching materials and offering guidance and consultancy according to students' needs. Therefore, the teacher's role is moved from the classroom to outside the classroom, shifting from the traditional one-dimensional English teaching to multi-dimensional teaching, and finally realizing the integration of teaching subjects, teaching objects and teaching context. The present study intends to investigate teaching models of English reading instructing the Chinese high school students who learn English as a second language to improve the ability of reading from a constructivism perspective.The following attempts are made:1) Random Instruction is used in English reading teaching.2) Schema Instruction is used in English reading teaching.The study was carried out in a certain senior middle school in Dalian, 120 students were chosen, who were divided into two groups, 60 of whom were treated as subjects, a three-year research in Liaoning province. The subjects were taught in self-access teaching model. The non-subjects (group A) were taught in a traditional teaching model. In other words, the subjects were arranged to discuss or talk about the best learning strategies, to form the ideas and methods of the self-access learning, like self-planning, self-evaluation.The following are the common activities and they are effective. Firstly, some tasks are given after class, to encourage them to look for the useful materials, and the whole group collects the information, with the spirit of cooperation. Secondly, each student hasa file, which contains his/her own aims and plans for a certain period. Thirdly, each student is asked to record their own study process, in order to monitor oneself, therefore, the students form the habit of checking their own homework or checking each other. In the class, the students can discuss in pairs or groups, at the same time, they can hold all kinds English practice, such as English Sunday or English Corner, after class.The present study is based on Schema, Random instruction, Scaffolded Instruction of constructivism. The present study aims to offer some valuable information for the high school English teaching and also do some basic work for the future research of teaching and learning of English reading.This thesis consists of the following 6 chapters:Chapter 1.The author gives a brief account of the reasons why this research was done and points out the necessity and validity of carrying out this present research.Chapter 2.The rational relative to the present research is stated. The author points out that language learning is a process of interactive use of declarative and procedural knowledge and a process of solving problems.Chapter 3. Some previous researches on reading are stated. The author illustrates some constructivism and the psychological models of reading.Chapter 4. It focuses on the course of the present study. The author introduces the study methods, the subject selection, the data collection, the procedure and some other experimental factors.Chapter 5. It describes and analyzes the results of the research and provides a convincing discussion.Chapter 6 The author concludes the research and gives some advice to the teachers on how to improve the students' reading ability as well as some advice on the future research in this field.
Keywords/Search Tags:constructivism, scaffolded instruction, random instruction, schema, zone of proximal development
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