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Children's Cooperative Study Of Cognitive Development

Posted on:2013-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the increasing refinement of the social division of labor and technical management of the increasing complexity of today’s society, a person if you want to create a brilliant career, relying solely on personal strength and wisdom has been difficult to achieve this goal. Cooperation between the countries and peoples are becoming increasingly important in economic globalization and rapid development of today, the sense of cooperation and collaboration has become the basic requirements for talents. While currently the children’s cognitive education been neglected, which has aroused the attention of many people, especially the importance of working in the education. Observation research means the cooperation of the children in the author through the cooperation of the kindergarten children cognitive research and analysis, that the child Cooperation and Development to develop responsibility, cooperation, respect, confidence, humility, good quality, but also greatly facilitate the a cooperative initiative harmonious cognitive development, and gradually form a sound personality.Based on this, based on the Chengdu Eaton kindergarten children’s cooperation in cognitive education, will study the focus on the cognitive training of child cooperation strategy, through the questionnaire survey in China opened in early childhood stage Mixed-age education necessity, aimed at children in kindergarten education, a series of awareness campaigns to enhance the child’s cognitive.
Keywords/Search Tags:early childhood education, cooperation cognition, Eaton kindergarten
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