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From TV Dating Show To Study The Contemporary Youth Mating View

Posted on:2013-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is a concern to the concept of symmetry contemporary youth article. This article take example from the most popular TV speed dating show in China, If You are the One. Research in contemporary China youth who took to the TV to programs, as well as from the TV Dating show to reflect the contemporary youth spouse, at the same time these choose a spouse standard and the former research what similarities and differences exist; In addition, the TV Dating show in mutually close to success in hand the generality of the guests. This paper studies the key in, contemporary youth in different gender levels, education background, professional background of the differences between the spouse standard. From the time the latitude to see, contemporary youth spouse and different time youth spouse there are some differences, from theoretical level, this study found that exchange theory can’t fully explain the contemporary youth spouse, need appropriate correction, the author thinks that in the contemporary youth exchange marriage occurred in a range of based on similar exchange. The author also found that age and personality factors influence is in the guests can blind date but program on the stage of success in hand, two important factors.This study does not have big innovation to theory, is mainly to the deepening of the previous research and make up, as well as to provide a reference for the further study, so as to deepen the understanding of the spouse of youth. This article, on the TV to show the guest information analysis of the quantitative and qualitative analysis, and tries to explore the contemporary youth spouse.
Keywords/Search Tags:youth, TV dating show, standard of spouse selection, individual conditions
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