With technology progress and information globally development,enterprises face great change in market. First, customs demands arediversity, personality, and the service is also required higher. Second,product life cycle is shorter, all of these are required more rigorousconditions for enterprises. As to these matters, enterprises also enforcecorporating and contacting with other enterprises, besides being selfreformation. As result, supply chain management gradually being focusfor enterprises.Nodical enterprise in supply chain is independent economic entity,and they all have their own target and strategy. The purpose of theyjoining in supply chain is for their respective interest. However targetsand strategies between nodical enterprises in supply chain and supplychain management are incoordination. These cause that the supply chainmanagement final target failed. So we will set some constraint for nodicalenterprises in supply chain, which cause supply chain interest raised.Supply chain contracts will solve the problem well, meanwhile within theproper contract parameter; the interest of nodical enterprises in supplychain will be no less than the interest without contracts. This will drivenodical enterprises in supply chain to participate.This paper mainly adopt joint coordination contract which iscombined revenue sharing contract and quantity flexibility contract which is used in three level supply chain research. This paper contains five parts:the first part mainly introduce market environment enterprises faced, themeaning of enterprises adoption of supply chain contract, and reviewrelated theories and achievements; the second part discourse basic modelon supply chain contract; the third part adopt joint coordination contractwhich is combined revenue sharing contract and quantity flexibilitycontract to research simple three level supply chain, which consist of oneretailer, one distributor and one manufacturer, and use numerical exampleto demonstrate model feasibility; the fourth part adopt joint coordinationcontract which is combined revenue sharing contract and quantityflexibility contract to research complex three level supply chainrespectively, which consist of two retailers, one distributor and onemanufacturer and which consist of one retailer, one distributor and twomanufacturers. And this part give mathematical models and numericalexample corresponding to the complex three level supply chain; the fifthpart is whole summary and outlook.Given proper contract parameter, joint coordination contract thispaper design realizes supply chain coordination, which improves thewhole supply chain profit. |