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A Research On Sequence Of Art Song Five Tone Twelve Tone In China

Posted on:2015-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q DongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Luo Zhongrong according to the sequence of "ancient poetry art songs creation of river of Furong mining", is the five sound of twelve tones of Chinese art song the first real sense of. After that, some composers in the sequence of art song writing, in the number and not the traditional art songs so much, but also some features from a glimpse of five tone, twelve tone series art songs.In this paper, published in the music creation of12art songs as the research object. from the "lyrics and combination of lyrics","song of five tone twelve tone series prototype and its deformation characteristics" and "five tone, twelve tone Series in the art songs in the use of three aspects of analysis.This paper selected art songs in writing, twelve tone series technique using the height of the chromatic and at the same time, into the Chinese live tone music features. Based on five tone style, consistent attention to writing technique and the lyrics content, followed the writing features of traditional art songs, both "Songs" and "sound", the formation of the five sound of twelve tone series art songs with Chinese characteristics, is the more important part of Chinese art songs.
Keywords/Search Tags:The art song twelve tone series prototype and deformation of five tone style series
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