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Mao Zedong’s Theory Of Man’s All-round Development Thought

Posted on:2014-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330392472769Subject:Marxism in China
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The problem has been an important problem of philosophical research. The ancientGreek philosopher proletarian jotham gravel once said:"know everything there is the sizeof the things of the scale of the existence, also does not exist not exist scale." All things inthe world because the value of existence, because human existence they just have its ownvalue. Man is the measure of all things value judgment, everything according to all comefrom the people. Therefore,"people problems" research has always been the history ofmankind eternal subject. Marx and Engels in the "communist manifesto" clearly pointedout:"instead of the existence, with its classes and class antagonisms old bourgeois society,will be such an association, in which each person’s free development of all freedevelopment conditions." In the theoretical system of marxism, through a large number ofhuman thought. Marxism since the date of produce, Marx has been pay more attention toperson, pay attention to people from different dimensions and different methods to studyand analysis of the people. Marx stand in the position of the proletariat, reveal the darknessof the capitalist system, found that the surplus value theory and historical materialism.Humanity liberation, realize people’s free and all-round development. Therefore, thepeople, become a hot spot in the study of academic circles at present.As the first generation of leaders of the communist party of China, in the Chineserevolution and socialist construction practice, MAO zedong’s inheritance and developmentof the classical writers of marxism anthropological theory with Chinese characteristics,forming the features of The Times, the human thought. Especially in human development,but also highlights of MAO zedong’s thoughts about the feasibility and to solve thepractical problems of poor people the basic way of the independence and liberation,development, production, integrated training and work practice. MAO zedong’s theory ofhuman’s comprehensive development unique insight and unique contribution, we study thedevelopment has laid a solid theoretical basis, provide a rich ideological resource for us inthe comprehensive construction well-off society practice further promoting people’sall-round development provides the methodology guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mao Zedong, Man’s all-round development, content, value
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