Recent years have witnessed the fast growing of corruption and thecomplex forms of corruption, we clearly noted that corruption-preventingwork really faced a serious challenge. Our country and people sufferedhuge losses from malversation, which also has a strong damage on the imageof the party and the government in people’s mind. The central governmentwas acutely aware of the importance of fighting corruption, and alsorecognized that the key for cracking down on corruptions to take actionon corruption-preventing, which means that we should make corruptionsnipped in the bud. Corrupted risk control system building is regarded asa successful application of modern management techniques on preventingcorruption, taking the risk management theory into the system ofpunishment and prevention for corruption. As long as we could pay highlyattention on following positions and key links, including theadministrative examination and approval, the focus of law enforcementadministration, personnel management, financial management, projectmanagement, etc., we believe that we can prevent the occurrence ofcorruption much more effectively. Corrupted risk control measures while actively pursuing around, but people rarely will do some academic andsystematic study on it.Through below six chapters, we make systematic research and analysison the Independent risk system construction. In the first part, wedescribe the background and significance of this paper, having a briefsummary of corrupted risk management and anti-corruption theory, andproposing a creative points. In second part, we draw a conclusion whichis based on through the theoretical origin and content on definition,characteristics and composition of the Independent Commission oncorrupted risk control. According to its characteristics, we divided itinto three types of risk, named as ideological and moral, institutionalmechanisms and responsibilities, which introduce the basic principle ofCorrupted risk control system building. The mechanism constructionpractice. In the third part, through the actual situation of the corruptedrisk in China, we compared risk with contrast against the risk with thetraditional means of prevention, analyzing the construction of theintegrity risk to solve some of the problems which cannot be solved bytraditional means of prevention, summarizing the feasibility andnecessity of the corrupted risk construction. It plays an important rolein the prevention of corruption in the system. In Part IV, by comparisonwith foreign corrupted risk system, we are aware of the fact that drawChinese corrupted risk management need learn from foreign matters. Andwe also need have an eye on the problem during the dangerous period. Inthe fifth part, through Putuo District case, we analyzed the achievementsand difficulties we meet during implement the corrupted risks building.Ultimately, this paper combine the combination of management theory andpractical application, making comments and suggestions on from the twoaspects of the system construction and scientific management of for theconstruction of Independent risk control mechanism. |