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The Quality Of Farmers In The Process Of Building New Rural

Posted on:2014-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401982795Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The new rural construction is the important way to solve the problem of agriculture,rural areas and farmers, and it also is the important measures to promote rural modernization.Therefore, constructing the new rural has practical significance. Constructing the new rural isa systematic project, so we need to make various efforts, and a very important point of it is toimprove the quality of the farmers. We know that farmers are the main body of newcountryside construction, therefore, farmer’s quality directly affect the effectiveness of thenew rural construction. Therefore, to effectively promote the new rural construction, we mustpay attention to the problem of farmers’ quality.To this end, this paper focuses on the themeof new rural construction, and do some research on China’s farmers’ quality. According to thearticle, in order to build a new socialist countryside, we must improve farmers’ variousqualities, especially to increase the farmers’ technological and cultural quality, ideological andmoral qualities, political quality and the ecological and environmental quality. For thispurpose, the article investigates the quality of Chinese peasants, discovering that Chinesefarmers’ technological and cultural quality, ideological and moral qualities, political qualityand ecological and environmental quality, etc., have improved since the reform and openingup, but still cannot meet the needs of the new rural construction. So we want to effectivelypromote the new rural construction, it must take concrete measures to improve farmers’technological and cultural quality, ideological and moral qualities, political quality and theecological and environmental quality.For this purpose, the article puts forward the following suggestions: first, strengthen ruralbasic education, enhance farmers’ cultural quality from baby. Specific measures include:further increase investment in rural education funds; further strengthen rural school teachersteam construction; the local government should take effective measures to strengthen theeducation for the rural students’ parents, transforming social traditions and reducing dropoutrate of rural elementary and secondary schools.Second, make full use of various resources, and ascend adult farmers’ technological andcultural qualities. Specific measures include: based on local government, maker use of theexisting education resources to set up the short-term culture education training andagricultural technology training, and improve farmers’ technological and cultural quality;Give full play to the role of colleges and universities, in order to promote the science andtechnology culture quality of farmers service; set up courses about agricultural science andtechnology knowledge at junior middle school and middle school in county, villages andtowns, in order to provide rural with reserve with agricultural science and technology quality;Encourage agricultural science and technology personnel to countryside and adopt a variety ofways to promote the agricultural science and technology quality of farmers; perfect ruralcultural infrastructure construction, rich cultural life, enhance the cultural quality of farmers, Give full play to the education of the TV to promote farmers’ quality.Third, give full play to the role of rural grassroots party organizations in improvingfarmers’ quality. Specific measures include: the rural basic-level party branch should take thelead in construction of yourself as a learning party organization; Our party, especially partymembers and cadres must take the lead in learning, take the lead to improve their quality;Give full play to the political education function of rural grassroots party branch, and carryout the practical, ideological and moral education for farmers, guide farmers to improve theideological and moral quality.Fourth, strengthen the political construction of new rural grassroots, increase farmer’sdemocratic quality, legal quality and policy quality. Specific measures include: furtherpromote and perfect the villagers autonomy system, which will make farmers improve theirdemocratic quality in the practice of the participation in the villagers autonomy systemconstantly; promote the rural legal construction, legal qualities of farmers; strengthen thepolicy advocacy and communication of farmers, strengthen farmers’ quality policy. Fifth,strengthen the rural ecological civilization construction, guide and promote farmers’ecological and environmental quality. Specific measures include: broadcast ecological andenvironmental protection knowledge for famers; Strengthen ecological environmentprotection of farmers’ education of legal system; carry out extensive activities of protectingthe ecological environment in the rural areas, with which to enhance the quality of ecologicaland environmental protection.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Rural construction, The quality of farmers, Science and technologyculture quality, Ideological and moral qualities, Political quality, Ecological andenvironmental quality
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