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Empirical Research On Rural Grassroots Legal Aid In Less Developed Areas

Posted on:2014-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For the limitation of the urban-rural dual structure institutional constraints, the growing gap between urban and rural areas is widening over the years. The production and living environment of the peasants is bleak. The legitimate rights and interests of farmers have been infringed and lack of effective maintenance to protect them. It has become the current prominent social issues and livelihood issues. Farmers are poor, agriculture is weak and rural areas are very dangerous. The most important for the rural areas is not only the implementation of economic development, but also the rural cultural development and the lag of the legal system in rural areas.In recent years, legal aid has caused great importance and widespread concern of Party committees and governments from the central to the local as the rule of law, innovative social management and an important means of safeguarding livelihood. But because of the limitation of the short leg effect of "three rural" development, the restricting legal aid in rural development environmental is worth of more concern. The improvement on legal level, the reform on institutional mechanisms, and the responsibility of local governments and the judiciary are needed. Only in this way, can we crack the rural legal aid bottle diameter on the institutional mechanisms. The most important aspect to build a new countryside, develop a new culture, service the new farmers is to think highly of the rights act of the vulnerable groups in society. To build the rule of law in rural areas, we must continue to push forward the process of mediation rights work. And the most important is to protect the livelihood of the people, the rule of law, improve the rural legal aid system, strengthen the legal aid platform, and make people-oriented and equality before the law come true. The paper select the new County as the samples, analyze the status of the rural county legal aid development, and analyze Rural Legal Assistance crux of the problem. The aim is to put forward some suggestions on pragmatic legislative and institutional improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural, legal aid, drawbacks, villagers mediation, activist
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