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Jinnan Gold Tomb Of Wood Construction

Posted on:2015-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425494416Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By virtue of the exploration on imitating wooden architecture in the tombs in theperiod of Song, Liao and Jin and the research on the tombs of a Family in Jin dynastyin the south of Shanxi Province, this paper probes into the expression and significanceof imitating wooden architecture in chambers.This research starts by regarding imitating wooden architecture as an expression,rather than a simple imitation of architectures on the ground. Firstly, various changesin imitating wooden architecture in the tombs since the late Tang Dynasty areorganized in several aspects as the identity of tomb owner, the space of chamber andarchitectural form. Furthermore, the expression of the civilian stratum reflected bythese changes and the important role architecture plays in the imagination of thepostmortem world are discussed. Then, the paper centralizes on tombs of Duan familyin Ma Village, Jishan and analyzes the selection of architectural components in thetombs. Also, it is demonstrated that it is not an imitation of certain architecture, but acombination of various high-grade architectural images. Moreover, architecturalimages in the tombs are combined with space, traditional opera images andabove-ground architectures to reveal the reference of ancestral temple, baldachine andsutra shelf. In comparison with brick carving mural tombs in the construction ofliving space in other regions in the period of Song and Jin, Duan family tombs and apart of Jin tombs in the south of Shanxi Province constructed more sacred space andexpressed the worship and enshrinement toward tomb owners.
Keywords/Search Tags:Imitating Wooden Architecture, Jin Dynasty, the South ofShanxi Province, Tomb Art
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