Metacognition is often defined as "cognition about cognition", which means theindividual understandings and regulation of their own cognitive process. As a popularresearch topic in the cognitive psychology, metacognition plays a big role in developingstudents’ intelligence and solving the problem such as "teach students how to learn". Tosome extent, we can make the students’ learning activities as the process to solve theproblem one by one. Research suggests that the success of problem solving depends on theindividual skills (cognitive level), metaskills and motivation. Metacognition——the formof metaskills, is at the center of the problem solving as it can control and coordinate ofother ingredients. Constructing the metacognitive component of problem solving inchemical disciplines and analyzing current status of the metacognition of chemistryproblem solving among middle school students, can be both benefical for enriching thepsychology on the study of metacognition, understanding students’ metacognitive level andchoosing the appropriate teaching intervention.Based on the review of relative researches at home and abroad, this study constructsthe metacognition theoretical framework of middle school students in chemistry problemsolving with the combination of the theory of cognitive psychology and the characteristicsof chemistry discipline teaching. Under the guidance of theoretical framework, this studydesigns chemistry problem solving metacognition questionnaire for high school students,explores and validates the structure of the metacognition in chemistry problem solving.Furthermore,587high school students in Jinan City were investigated with thequestionnaire. And the study summarizes the development of middle school students’metacognition in chemistry problem solving.The thesis consists of seven parts, the main contents are as follows:The first part, clarified the reasons for selecting this thesis and the theoretical andpractical value of this study.The second part, summarized domestic and abroad research about metacognition inproblem solving, showed the current research topics and developing trends about this field and analyzed the shortage of the domestic research on metacognition in chemistrydiscipline problem solving.The third part, put forward the purposes, method and train of thought of this research.The fourth part, constructed the metacognition theoretical framework of chemistryproblem solving, elaborated the process of designing the questionnaire, proved that thequestionnaire is the tool that is in conformity with the quality of psychometrics indexes,explored and confirmed that the high school students’ metacognition in chemistry problemsolving consist of metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive experience and metacognitiveskills, including metacognitive knowledge, cognitive experience, emotional experience,monitoring, evaluation and summarizes.The fifth part, carried out the empirical research. Conducted the questionnaires onhigh school students in Jinan City, analyzed the collected data and draw the relevantconclusions, which meanly discussed the overall situation of the development of hignschool students’ metacognition in chemistry problem solving, and discussed differences ofmetacognition in chemistry problem solving among different genders, different grades,different types of school students.The sixth part, summarized the conclusions obtained in this studyThe seventh part is the problems to be further solved in the next work.The innovations of this study are: Guided by the theory of cognitive psychology, thestudy takes the advanced research methods to explore and verify the composition ofmetacognition in problem solving in the field of chemistry teaching. The investigation isconducted by using self-made questionnaire to analyze the overall characteristics anddifferences of development of metacognition in chemistry problem solving in the currentmiddle school students. In a word, the empirical study is reasonable. |