In current background of education, it’s critical that the education level is based onteachers’ competencies and qualities. How to improve teachers’ competencies and qualitiesbecomes the central issue of education. Training for teacher’s education technologycompetencies is under way in all levels of institutions. In order to avoid many inconveniencesin training on time and place, online-training platform can ease these questions of time andspace separation, and much study have done in functions and resources optimation. However,many of the platforms are lack of concern to the teacher learners’ acceptance and usage aboutinformation technology. As a training platform of network technology, if the learners couldaccept and make use of it, it will not only be a waste of resources but also the ignorance to theenvironment and people.Based on the technology acceptance model and the correlative theories, this dissertationfocused on the online-training platform acceptance and using behavior by TechnologyAcceptance Model, Theory of Planned Behavior and User Satisfaction, inquired the actualsituation of the learner’s acceptance and usage about online-training platform of learners, andsummarizes the factors which affect the users’ attitude and intention to the use ofonline-training platform. The dissertation used technology acceptance model as basic frame,introduced user satisfaction theory and perceived behavior control in the theory of plannedbehavior. The dissertaion also established a hypothesis model of ETAM on the base ofonline-training platform. The research designed and improved the questionnaire about the useof platform through document research and interviews. The hypothesis model is verified withthe data collected by questionnaires. According to the validity analysis and reliability analysisof the questionnaires and the correlation analysis and regression analysis of affecting factors,hypothesis is validated and the model is revised and finally established.The innovation point of this research is using the theory of the technology acceptancemodel to establish the extended technology acceptance model under the environment ofteacher’s online-training platform, verifying the validities and enhanced the explanatorycapability of technology acceptance model. This will provide references to the designers ofteacher’s online training network on function design and improvement. |