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An Empirical Study Of Online Learning Platform User Acceptance In Universities

Posted on:2018-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518476293Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advancement of higher education informationization reform, as well as the advanced education technologies and the educational concept gradually mature,such as cloud computing, cloud services, large data flip classroom and dual coding theory. More and more learners hope to break through the traditional school education through emerging technology in the shackles of time and space, and to optimize the learning experience, as well as a variety of online learning platform applications in the teaching of colleges are increasingly widespread. Platform is the basis of online learning. Only platform is accepted, selected and used continuous, the value of the platform can fully display. In this sense,the learners' acceptance of online learning platform is a key research issue. Exploring the learners' acceptance of online learning platform, which is helpful to grasp the various factors, influence the platform application and promotion. This study also gives full play to the advantages of online learning platform and improves the present situation of the online learning platform application. It helps to predict and guide the future development direction of online learning platform in colleges .In this study,based on the "technology acceptance model", we research the colleges online learning platform. This study has two objectives, From the perspective of theory, we want to obtain a specific diagnosis model and the corresponding questionnaire,which are used to further explore learners' acceptance of online learning platform for colleges; From the perspective of practice, H-star as the research object,for learners' acceptance to make judgment and characterization, as well as put forward some targeted strategies to improve H-star's user acce:ptance.In this study,firstly,based on the "technology acceptance model",the leading factors influencing the user acceptance of the online-learning to open courses in the organizational teaching are analyzed and identified through a literature review; by assuming the effect of relationship between variables, "user acceptance model for online learning platform in colleges and universities" is established. Secondly, this model is verified by the literature survey, interview survey and structural equation model. And on this basis we explore the user acceptance of H-star by making qualitative judgment and quantitative characterization, as well as analysis of the problem appeared in the process of H-star popularization . Finally, based on the analysis of the questionnaire results and the international cutting-edge research to control,put forward some targeted strategies to improve H-star's user acceptance.The main conclusions of this study include the following three aspects. First, in the construction of the model, this study found that, the platform function and quality of the course determine users' perceived usefulness, thereby further determining users'use intention. The teaching standard, together with the use intention, ultimately determines users' actual usage, whereas the impact of perceived ease of use on user acceptance is not significant. Second, through investigating the present situation of the application of H-star, this study found that: the present situation of the application of H-star is not optimistic; Constrained by the teaching standard, users tend to accept the cloud platform, but the continuous use intention is very low; Without the constraint,the user could end the practice of using the platform at any time. While determing the cause of the result, we have found that, the low recognition of the platform function and quality of the course cause low recognition of platform perceived usefulness,which made low platform use intention; lower use intention and teaching norm made a direct result that the application of H-star is not ideal. Third, we can improve the H-star by the following four aspects: improving the quality of course by improving the course content and optimizing course structure; embedded in social media and learning analysis technology to enhance user stickiness and liveness of H-star; grasping the key period in the process of popularization and making the teaching standard toward institutionalized; exploring and innovating the patterns and forms of H-star in the teaching of university, then based on the H-star achieve the flipped class model.
Keywords/Search Tags:online learning, cloud platform, technology acceptance model, application status, improvement strategy
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