With the increasingly fierce global competition and the effect of the background ofknowledge economy, innovation has been one of the sources for organizations to achievecompetitive advantages. There is no doubt that employees are playing the central role inthe process of innovation. On the other side, performance appraisal is one of the mostimportant parts in the practice of human resource management in Chinese corporations.However, the performance appraisal in the vast majority of Chinese corporations isevaluative orientation performance appraisal but not developmental orientationperformance appraisal. In detail, the evaluative orientation performance appraisal onlyfocuses on evaluating employees’ job performance in the past and ignores the effect ofperformance appraisal on their career development in the future. Therefore, how tooptimize performance appraisal system, enhance employees’ learning ability andencourage their innovation is an essential topic in corporation management. So the majorgoal of the research is to see if organizations can strengthen employees’ individuallearning ability and promote their individual innovation by promoting developmentalorientation performance appraisalThe data in this study were primarily collected from printed questionnaires andInternet questionnaires as well. After distributing360questionnaires,152effectivequestionnaires have been collected with the response rate of44.44%. Most of the researchobjects of this study are professionals, supervisors and senior managers from all kinds ofindustries, including manufacturing, electronic information, construction, banking andinsurance,.The findings of this study were that individual learning ability was positivelyrelated to individual innovation, and developmental orientation performance appraisal wasalso positively related to individual learning ability and individual innovation behavior.Besides, developmental orientation performance appraisal and individual innovation verify the total mediating role of individual learning ability. Therefore, if organizationspursue developmental performance appraisal and pay attention on performance feedbackand the effect of performance appraisal on employees’ future development, it will behelpful in enhancing their learning ability and boost their individual innovation.At last,based on the findings of empirical analysis, the research gave suggestions for corporationsin perfecting training program, building innovation encourage mechanism andencouraging employees’ innovation. Besides, the limitations of this research were pointedout, and suggestions for future research were put forward finally. |