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The Impact Of Career Aspiration On Boundaryless Career Attitude

Posted on:2015-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425983995Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As boundaryless career time comes, more and more people tend to have a boundaryless career attitude. However, the reason for the formation of their boundaryless attitude is still mysterious. The present study provides that career aspiration is an important reason for some employees’boundaryless career attitude and career self-management is an intermediation.This study takes248employees in enterprises as research objects and finally uses222questionnaires to explore the relationship between career aspiration and boundaryless career attitude. Firstly, this paper reviews research progress about career aspiration, boundaryless career attitude and career self-management. On the basis of those studies, the present study discusses how career aspiration affects boundaryless career attitude and provides several hypothesis.There are four main conclusions of this study:(1) Generally, employees with high level career aspiration always has boundaryless career attitude and it depends on their career efficacy;(2) The confidence to realize their career aspirations can affect employees’career self-management more directly;(3) Career self-management is an important reason for employees with high level career aspiration to have boundaryless career attitude;(4) The efficacy of career aspiration always decides direction of employees’career development.In general, self-confidence for carrying out a certain career aspiration is a key variable to decide employees’behaviors and attitudes on career development. If employees want to make their career aspiration come true, they must build their confidence. As a result, organizations can guide employees’career training and development by evaluating their career aspiration and finally enhance the efficiency of human resource management.
Keywords/Search Tags:career aspiration, career self-management, boundaryless career attitude, career motivation, career intention, career efficacy
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