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Research On Multidimensional Measurement Of Urban-rural Dualistic Economic Structure And Its Impact On Economic Growth In Anhui Province

Posted on:2015-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428468686Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, the economic development of China has made great achievements, but in the process of rapid economic development, some contradictions and problems have increasingly emerged, mainly the uncoordinated development beween urban and rural, the widening urban-rural gap, and increasingly significant urban-rural dual structure. These problems have seriously hampered the country’s sustainable development and urban-rural coordinated development. Since the reform and opening up, the rural reform has achieved remarkable results, urban and rural social and economic structure has undergone profound changes, but the dual system has not fundamentally changed. Thus, improving the structural conditions of urban and rural will be the focus of development for a long period of time.As the economy is relatively underdeveloped provinces of Anhui, in the process of industrialization also appeared uneven development of agricultural and non-agricultural industries, the dual economic structure greater level of economic development gap between urban and rural areas, the gap is not only reflected in the per capita on income, but also in terms of employment, consumption, education, and increasingly comprehensive, coordinated and hinder social and economic development. In the early years of reform and opening up," duality " of the province ’s economic structure had weakened over time. But then adjust the focus of work to implement, develop industrialization, rural and agricultural industrialization has made tremendous sacrifices, rural capital inflows continue to provide financial support for urban industrial development, which in turn leads to enhanced dual economic structure. From thirty years of general trends and compared with other provinces, the province urban and rural economy is still relatively clear. Thus, out of the dual structure as soon as possible, to realize the coordinated development of urban and rural areas is a major problem in our province currently addressed urgently needed. The main purpose of this paper is that the urban-rural dual economic structure of the multi-dimensional measure of Anhui Province, and then use econometric models to study its impact on economic growth in Anhui Province, and to make recommendations of countermeasures. The relationship between the dual economic structure and economic growth has been a hot topic of many scholars. Firstly, on the basis of domestic and foreign research literature on the theory of economic structure and economic growth qualitative analysis showed that between the evolution of the dual economic structure and economic growth are closely linked, the existence of long-term interaction between relations, conversion dual economic structure will promote continued economic growth, and economic growth will bring different stages corresponding structural changes.In Chapter Ⅱ, according to the Statistical Yearbook of Anhui Province, to collect and collate the1980-2012annual GDP of Anhui Province, the GDP and the number of employees in the agricultural sector and the non-agricultural sector, the disposable income of urban residents, rural residents the per capita net income, urbanization rate and other aspects of the data, construct containing a binary contrast coefficient, dual structure coefficient, urban-rural income ratio, the urbanization rate and other indicators, including a relatively complete evaluation system of statistical indicators of Anhui Province since1980to2012between the evolution of the dual economic structure to be determined, and the phase characteristics of different historical periods analyzed. Through the urban-rural dual economic structure in Anhui measure analysis, reform and opening up30years, the urban-rural dual economic structure has undergone an evolution in Anhui Province by the ease-strengthening-to ease the process, draw the current urban-rural dual economic structure of the province sex is still more significant, urban-rural dual economic structure lags behind the general rules of the conversion process and other basic judgments..And finally from developing strategy, such as urban and rural household registration division lagging economic system, such as urbanization development perspective of urban-rural dual economic structure conditions Anhui formation. In chapter-three, mainly through the establishment of the model will strengthen economic growth is a problem converting the urban-rural dual economic structure and urban-rural dual structure can promote economic growth for detailed analysis, the use of stationary test, cointegration test, and Granger causality test the model corresponding test results of economic growth and urban-rural dual structure of long-term dynamic equilibrium relationship between movements in a common urban-rural dual economic structure and economic development exists, but in the short term for the explanatory variables are the explanatory variables no long-term impact as significant. On the basis of empirical analysis, since the reform and opening up, Anhui case analysis of rural surplus labor to convert the urban-rural dual economic structure influence on economic growth, and eventually come to convert the current pace of rural surplus labor is still relatively slow. To ease this situation, one should rely on market forces, on the other hand should give full play to promote the role of government.Finally, based on the above analysis, in terms of economic reform, agriculture and rural development, and urbanization itself put forward to accelerate the pace of the transfer of rural surplus labor, countermeasures and suggestions to promote the province urban-rural dual economic structure transformation efforts to achieve Anhui rapid and comprehensive economic development, the completion of the goal of coordinated development of urban and rural areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dual economy, Economic growth, Urban-rural gap, Stationary test
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