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Taxis Of Apolygus Lucorum And Helicoverpa Armigera To Volatiles From Herbivore-induced Plants Of Malvaceae

Posted on:2016-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330470474038Subject:Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Apolygus lucorum becomes a main pest with the great extension of transgenic cotton and less pesticides used in cotton fields. Cotton bollworm outbroke in 90 s and caused significant loss and the long-term use of Bt cotton makes it become resistant. For the aim of sustainable control of Apolygus lucorum and cotton bollworm(Helicoverpa armigera), volatiles of seven species of plants in Malvaceae were collected and analyzed. Six treatments(A1:cotton induced by cotton bollworms for 6h. A2: cotton induced by cotton bollworms for 12 h. A3: cotton induced by cotton bollworm for 24 h. B: cotton induced by Apolygus lucorumcotton for 24 h. C: cotton induced by aphid for 5d. CK: healthy cotton.) of four cotton varieties(liaoyangduomao, yazhoumian, shiyuan321, SGK321) in pest induced test were conducted. The volatile of every treatment was collected and analyzed. Electrophysiological response and behavior test was carried out to find some active chemicals.Volatiles of seven species of plants in Malvaceae showed remarkable difference in categories and quantities. The cultivar shiyuan321 showed the highest while Althaea rosa showed the lowest in content. DMNT was less released outside cotton species in okra and abutilon. The results implied that the volatile of induced cotton showed significant difference compared with the control. Volatile in different cotton varieties resulted in significant differences. Generally, in the same cotton variety, cotton induced by cotton bollworm released more volatile in amount than which was induced by other pests. It appeared to be different rules in treatments of different pests. The release of the volatile in the cotton bollworm treatment was related to the time pest induced.Some volatile were significantly different from the control in some treatments of liaoyangduomao. The content of ocimene and DMNT in the three treatments of cotton bollworm induced cotton were significantly higher than the control. The amount of α-pinene, limonene, nonanal, decanal and tridecane in cotton induced by aphid were higher than the control. DMNT and decanal in the treatment of Apolygus lucorum showed difference from the control.Amount of linalool and DMNT in the treatment of yazhoumian induced by cotton bollworm became higher with treatment time increasing. α-caryophyllene and γ-Terpinene in the treatment of aphid were higher in amount than control. The content of DMNT and TMTT induced by Apolygus lucorum was significantly higher than the control.The shiyuan321 variety showed higher content of myrcene, ocimene, γ-Terpinene linalool, DMNT, TMTT,(Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol acetate than control in the treatment A3, but it was less than A1. No distinction was found in the cotton induced by aphid. TMTT showed significant differences between cotton induced by Apolygus lucorum and the control.In the test of SGK321, myrcene, ocimene, DMNT, methyl salicylate, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one,(Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol acetate, TMTT reached the highest content of all treatment in A2, which was significantly different from treatment A1 and A3.Volatile content of myrcene and tridecane are observably higher than the control. Limonene and DMNT of the cotton induced by Apolygus lucorum showed a higher amount than control.Both female and male Apolygus lucorum present a high response on(E)-2-Hexenyl butanoate which was the highest, DMNT, linalool and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one in EAG test. In the whole, the EAG response of the male was higher than the female. EAG relative value of different chemicals showed very big difference in the test of cotton bollworm. Both male and female showed largest response in 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, followed by Hexyl acetate and(Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol acetate. The males showed a bigger response to α-caryophyllene than the female, but the females present higher on 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one.In the test of olfaction bioassay, female Apolygus lucorum showed a significantly preference to(Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol acetate, ocimene, myrcene and DMNT. The males were attracted by α-pinene. DMNT and limonene and α-pinene was its favorite.
Keywords/Search Tags:cotton volatile, GC-MS, Apolygus lucorum, Helicoverpa armigera, EAG, olfactory bioassay
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