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On The Presence Of The Virtual Network As An Existence

Posted on:2015-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M LiuFull Text:PDF
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The problem of Existence is not only a historical topic but also a new topic ofphilosophy. This paper analyses the problem of the network’s virtual existence whichshould be faced by the people who live in the era of rapidly developed computernetwork information-based technology. Network’s virtual existence is a new state ofexistence that different from traditional way. The activities of people can breakthrough the limitation of geography and time. The degree of freedom is greatlydeveloped in time and space. It is a new social existence. Network’s virtual existenceis not only the objective demand of the continuous development of the human societybut also the inevitable result of the technological development. The development ofman’s demand, man’s trait of incomplete and the extension of the socialcommunication present a real possibility of the network’s virtual existence. So that, tostudy the network’s virtual existence in philosophical way is a grand mission that thehistory and the era have entrusted to us, it is also the part of Marxist philosophy.The combination of historical approach and logical analysis is used to this paperto investigate Existence in philosophy history way from different angles, toemphasize the connotation and denotation of Existence which is expanded by Marx’sHistorical Existence, to further the argument of the substance and the necessity andpossibility of development of network’s virtual existence. The central problem of thispaper is to demonstrate how network’s virtual existence became a new state ofexistence. Therefore this paper uses the philosophical method combined withempirical research to explore the real existence and the virtual existence bycomparison. It tries to research the network’s virtual existence combined with theMarxist philosophy, to clear the innate character of man’s virtual development. Itindicates that the network’s virtual existence is a necessary process in the socialdevelopment and the only way to realized man’s free development.The research of network’s virtual existence could enrich and develop the man’sexistence of Marxist Philosophy. It also gives people a chance to reflect and grasp the fate of man’s existence, thereby demonstrates the functions of criticizing the realityand standardizing practices of Marxist Philosophy. At the same time, this reach playsan important role in guiding our practice and enhancing our capacity of innovation inthe time of the rapidly development of computer network information-basedtechnology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Existence, Existent style, Network’s virtual existence, Virtualpractice
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