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Audience Research On The Psychological And Behavioral Impact Of Micro-film Advertising Creative

Posted on:2016-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467477396Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the background of Web3.0era will be coming. The development of new information and communication technologies for us to create more new routes of transmission media. Compared to traditional media, the sudden emergence of the new media industry booming, more diverse manifestations of the way so that consumers get information more diversified. In the context of the "micro" era, development of micro blogging, chats and other social platforms, for brands and products provide a new marketing approach. Micro-film as a new form of advertising, breaking the traditional one-way advertising TVC, more interaction with consumers. Relying trend of rapid development of micro-film, according to entertainment, audience fragmentation demand, Began to rapidly develop micro-film advertising, his ad has greatly improved communication model of advertising communication in the passive attitude of the audience, create a positive interaction between the audience and advertising harmonious picture.For now, The definition of micro-film advertising is not perfect, and its development is not yet ripe. empirical research and theoretical research method of combining article will survey questionnaire, audience combined psychological and behavioral analysis, to study and explore the state of the micro-film advertising in the eyes of the audience. Through the actual investigation report, from advertising communication and an aesthetic point of Micro-film, audience research combines behavioral psychology theories, to find a better combination of advertising and micro-movie way. So as to show to the more micro-film advertising creators, providing some practical data for their further creation of micro-film advertising as a basis as possible, while the creation of more from the perspective of the audience starting to think about the problem in order to create a more successful Micro-film advertising.
Keywords/Search Tags:Audience psychological behavior, Micro-film, Macro-film advertising creative
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