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Study On Confucius’s The Rectification Of Names Thought

Posted on:2017-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J HuangFull Text:PDF
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Confucius was born in the authority of the zhou dynasty has gradually lost its original. At that time, destruction of rite system of zhou(礼崩乐坏)relations between the Monarch and official have also changed(君臣易位),a senior official in feudal China in charge of the political rights(政在家门),the ethical order has lost its original function.Confucius is a aristocrat descendant of the State of Song, he concentrate on study of ritual systerm and to rebuild harmonious social order as its own duty. He analyzes the reasons which destruction of rite system of zhou (礼崩乐坏)relations between the Monarch and official have also changed(君臣易位),a senior official in feudal China in charge of the political rights(政在家门),the ethical order has lost its original function, Confucius put forward his "the Rectification of Names". is the "name", everyone has a specific "duty" under "name" which is established By "the ritual".Therefore, Confucius "name" of "the Rectification of Names" have two meanings: first one is clear everyone’s specific rights and obligations; second one is to correct the discrepancy between "rights", "duty" and words and deeds. Generally speaking, Confucius "Names" is to make people’s all words and deeds are accord with the standard of "the ritual".Confucius thought of "rectification of names" has three parts:Firstly,"Human-heartedness (仁)" means "love others (爱人) ",Confucius thought of "rectification of names" requires "Let the ruler be ruler,the minister minister,the father father,and son son(君君,臣臣,父父,子子)", which is actually a specific performance of "love others(爱人)". There were grade closeness of Confucius’s "love others (爱人). First of all, you love parents and brothers. Secondly, love to others. In Confucius’opinion, if a man doesn’t love his parent and brother, it is impossible to love others. Secondly, after they love their parent and brother, "lover" expand to others. Confucius believes that the people do not obey the "ritual" is because there is no "Human-heartedness (仁)", so Confucius takes "Human-heartedness (仁)" as people abide by the foundation of social norms. Therefore, making people’s words and deeds conform to "ritual", first of all, to cultivate people’s moral heart, namely "Human-heartedness (仁)". This is governance the social critical point, because if people have no "Human-heartedness (仁)", will not be able to comply with the "ritual".The secondly,making "Ritual" as the standard.The aim of Confucius thought of "rectification of names" requires that the both words and deeds of the ruler, minister,father,son are in line with their respective identity and status.The "ritual" has three contents:the different sign between man and animal; the premise of the social order can be guaranteed; the means ruling a country.Third,making "harmony" as the target.The aim of Confucius thought of "rectification of names" establish a social harmony.This is refers to two levels of "harmony",harmony between social interpersonal relationship and national harmony. Social interpersonal harmony refers to the harmony of parent-child relationship, the harmony of relationship of the Monarch and official and harmony of among common people;The harmony between countries refers to the country of vassal fulfills its duty and the cultivation of national morality in order to make other people convinced.Confucius"s "The Rectification of Name" thought had important positive influences in history including put the moral value back to the ground from the sky, established the subject value of human; clear about the people in society have sociality and responsibility;make ethic as the core of Chinese culture;strengthen the harmony of Chinese culture genes. At the same time, it also has some negative effects:setting the stage for future despotism; binding people’s thoughts; created the moralism firstly; ignoring the role of "law" etc.The problem of social morality of contemporary in China appeared, mainly because there are a lot of people can not be a good performance with the identity of the responsibility and obligation, that is "the name is not corre ct(名不正).”Therefore, in Confucius’s thought of "rectification of names" at least give us three teaching:first, promote the person’s most basic duty "filial piety". This is because there are many the traditional family in China, filial piety not only conducive to social development and filial piety is also human foundation. As long as everyone in the society will be able to love their parents and elders at home, they can love others in the society, then the society will not so many moral problems.Secondly, emphasize the duty of work, dedicated and conscientious. Lack of sense of responsibility not only for those acts in violation of the moral and legal terms, for some people in everyday life is not dedicated.the appearance of many social and moral issues are beacuse some people is no dedicated, dutifully fulfill their duties. Last point,"ritual" enables one has "Human-heartedness (仁)", which can make a person can consciously to fulfill their duties and obligations, rather than be forced to complete, if a person is no "Human-heartedness (仁)", must be looking for legal loopholes.Of course, today follow the "ritual" is different from ancient Confucian "ritual". Today’s "ritual" is not only emphasising on individual "obligation", the emphasis is also individual rights. Today’s "ritual" includes both the moral norms and stressing the rule of law. Today following the "ritual" should be also containing the socialism core values.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Rectification of Names, Human-heartedness, love others, ritual, obligations
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