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The Research On Social Security Integration In The Process Of Urbanization Of Migrant Workers Under The Background Of Urbanization

Posted on:2015-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HuaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330422970075Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The emergence of migrant workers is not only inevitable, but also a manifestation ofsocial progress.With the accelerating urbanization process of China, more and more farmersleave their homeland, and settle down into the city with the identity of migrant workers. Bytaking the advantage of cheap labour, migrant workers pushed a rapid economic developmentof the city and even the entire Country for decades.However, the sudden financial crisis hasrevealed the inapplicability of a large number of migrant workers when facing economicfluctuation.On the one hand, in many large and medium-sized cities,"labor shortage"phenomenon become more and more serious, on the other hand, a large number of migrantworkers have to leave the city in which they had been worked for many years. This deviationreflects a series of deep-seated contradictions in China during the economic transition period,such as the upgrading of economic structure adjustment, social security system and so on. It isin this background, this paper studies social security problems of the huge number of migrantworkers, in the process of the urbanization.On the basis of referencing and absorbing domestic and foreign related research, thisthesis expounds the theory foundation of urbanization of migrant workers and integration ofsocial insurance in the first place. The theory foundation of migrant workers urbanizationcontains Lewis’ Urban and Rural labor Transfer Theory, Ranis-Fei’s Dual Labor Flow Theoryand Todaro’s Urban and Rural Expected Income Theory. The theory foundation of Migrantworkers social security integration mainly contains the Keynesian theory, welfare economicstheory and public goods theory. And then, this thesis fuscous on the present situation andrestricting factors of migrant workers’ social security. With detailed data and authoritativestatistics, this part analyzes the present situation of the integration of social insurance from theaspects of endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, maternityinsurance and social assistance, introducing the difference between different insurance.Among these difference kinds of insurance, unemployment insurance get a higher degree ofintegration compared with others. The restricting factors of the restrictions of migrant workers’ social security consist of the household registration system, employment system ofurban-rural division, the social security system, economic development, urbanization leveland the workers themselves. Finally, from the aspects of government responsibility, marketbehavior and society cooperate and assist and improvement of immigrants themselves, thisarticle provides a series of feasible policy suggestions to build a multi-level fusion of urbanand rural social security system in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:urbanization, citizenization of peasant-workers, Social security rights and interests
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