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Criminal Tribunal For The Space Layout Research

Posted on:2014-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330425478696Subject:Procedural Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Building a socialist country under the rule of law, promote the civilization ofjustice and to strengthen the protection of human rights has become the main theme ofthe development of the rule of law in China. Theoretical arguments and theestablishment of system response to this theme is the legal theory and judicial practicein recent years, the focus of attention. The improvement of the criminal proceduresystem is one of the important achievements of the progress of China’s judicial Codeof Criminal Procedure After several revisions, the litigation system has made greatprogress. The progress of the criminal procedure system can vividly reflected throughthe criminal trial activities, the scenes vivid scenes of court proceedings civilizationpassed to the people. However, the spatial layout of the criminal court as a criminaljustice system most vivid manifestation of the core content of the parties involvedseats set, the substance was not synchronized with the development of China’scriminal justice system deserves attention.In addition to the introduction and conclusion, is divided into four parts, the textof nearly30,000words, the various parts of the following major elements:The first part, the court space layout overview. This chapter begins with theinterpretation of the concept of "court" to define the object of this paper only place ofthe hearing of the criminal case, the criminal court in the normative sense, does notinclude various non-normative trial spaces, such as public rallies. Its internal spacelayout, do not include the layout of the external space. The paper is to explore thespatial layout problem is the seats set as well as the closely related problem with theseats set in the litigation participants, not including judicial etiquette. The spatiallayout of the criminal court has the the legalistic, order, stability and solemncharacteristics, the litigation function and educational function.The second part, the basic pattern of the criminal court space layout ComparativeReview. Set to examine the characteristics of its spatial layout court seats in theUnited States, France, Germany and Finland, a comparative study of these maincriminal court in several countries, examine the spatial layout of the Tribunal incommon and different points.The third part of our criminal court space layout inspection. Combing formationof the spatial layout of the criminal court process. Although after several revisions,but the basic form has not changed. China for minor cases trial to explore the spatiallayout has changed greatly. The current layout drawbacks: not fully reflect theneutrality of the judge in the trial activities should have, contrary to the prosecutionand the defense the principle of equality, and not conducive to the protection of thelegitimate rights and interests of the defendant, is not conducive to play to thefunctions of the defender, is not conducive to play the role of expert witnesses, is notconducive to the real meaning of the highlights of the trial, does not reflect the thesolemnity court bailiff position conducive for the trial service. China in this layoutbecause by the traditional style, constitutional principles, the prosecutor, the defendantstatus, errors judicial philosophy, as well as litigation mode. The fourth part of the spatial layout, improve our criminal court. In this paper,the idea of improving the spatial layout of Criminal Tribunal, judges, prosecutors,defendants, victims, witnesses, and identification, court clerks, bailiffs seats setreform, recommended the establishment of a special channel for judges, the galleryand the trial area phase interval. Minors trial proceedings, the the roundtable triallayout perfect vision.
Keywords/Search Tags:criminal court, spatial layout, court seats, reform
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