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Conflicts And Harmonization Of Climate Change Policies And Investment Protection:an Analysis Of The National Treatment Clause

Posted on:2014-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There has been an increasing collision between investment protection and climate change these days. Meanwhile, the inter-restriction of investment protection and climate change policy has become more and more complex. So, the study on the conflicts between investment protection and climate change policy, and how to balance the investment protection and climate change under the current international circumstances is of great importance.The paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, the paper introduces the background and the research methods. In the second part, the paper makes a detailed analysis of climate change policy and the international investment law. The third part of this paper discuss the reason why I chose to focus the analysis of national treatment clause and why has the climate goal been specially stressed, but suffers from repeated failure in practices. The last part of the thesis proceeds from the international situation that China faces. And the paper makes certain suggestions for the regulation of the climate problems in the international investment agreement at international and domestic levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:climate change, international investment, national treatment, commonbut differentiated responsibilities
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