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The Perfection Of The Masses Interest Expression Mechanism In The Public Policy Implementation Process

Posted on:2014-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330452964455Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Expression of interest is the primary link to achieve the interests. Bystudying the game between the public policy implementer and theimplementation objects, analyzes the deficiencies and problems of the massesexpression mechanism during the public policy implementation process intransition, and proposes improvement measures of interest expressionmechanism is the purpose of this thesis. This thesis includes a total of four parts.The first part, defines the concept on public policy, public policyimplementation, the masses,"economic man" hypothesis, and interestexpression mechanism, and analyzes the public policy implementation researchin the perspective of interest game at home and abroad. The second part of thepaper presents that currently, the implementation of public policy analysisshould be based on the network structure theory, and analyzes the interests of thepublic policy implementer and the masses as the execution object, taking the Adistrict of S City for example, where resettlement policy being implemented.The third part, builds the model of the game between the public policy implementer and the masses by simplifying the interest of the both, analyzes thefour types of public policies, the compensation-type policies for example, andwhich presents an ideal game model of public policy implementation. The fourthpart, drawing on the advantages of Western interests expression mechanism,based on the analysis of the deficiencies of the masses interest expressionmechanism during the public policy implementation in current China, proposesto build a legal and moral environment conducive to integrate interest, toinnovate the public policy implementation mode, to strengthen public policyimplementation supervision, and to improve the masses interests expressionchannels.
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