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Comprehensive Management Of Shanghai Social Security Based On Criminal Situation Evolved

Posted on:2014-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F BenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330464457947Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, great achievements have been made in China’s comprehensive management of social order, established a comprehensive management of social security theory and practice system covering every organization and leadership, appraisal, specific measures and other aspects, in order to reduce and prevent crime plays a significant role. Shanghai, as the Yangtze River Delta economic area leading, also the historical process in the comprehensive management of the benefit, at the same time, the comprehensive management of the work has been made great development.However, with the comprehensive promotion effect of Shanghai construction of "four centers" and speed up the pace of the World Expo was held successfully, the Disney project settled, as a large city and the Yangtze River Delta region economy in Shanghai, the financial innovation will be more frequent, economic development will be more rapid, property and other economic factors will bring rapid focusing, a hitherto unknown challenge is bound to the Shanghai social security environment, especially a crime to high-risk groups into the depression trend will further show. At the same time, infrastructure construction and social management relative lag, the social security system is not perfect control to prevent the problem still exists. Facing the new situation in the new period of overall control of social public security problem, it is necessary to strengthen research on comprehensive management of social security problems in Shanghai such a large city.In this paper, such a large social security around Shanghai city comprehensive treatment of the subject, from the comprehensive management of social order, prevention, treatment of original intention--against crime, in-depth analysis of the evolution and characteristics of the crime situation since the reform and opening up, the objective to predict development of criminal crime situation, and put forward from around the crime situation carry out the reform and innovation of the comprehensive management of social order, so as to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the comprehensive management of social security measures. Especially in the comprehensive management of social security organizational leadership and overall implementation, according to the comprehensive management of social security and the original intention of the public security organ, gives the corresponding function, which by the public security organs from the crime prevention, combat, management work found that social security comprehensive weak governance, is a bold and new try, comprehensive management measures for various social security resulting is a change to the original comprehensive management of social security system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comprehensive management, Crime situation, Big city, Public security organs
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