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Some Problems That Electronic Money In Our Country

Posted on:2016-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Electronic money is the product of information technology to reform and the development of network economy, it is the metal currency and paper currency after the new way of payment. As a new payment tool, electronic money is convenient, save transaction cost, improve the efficiency of trading and other features. In the western countries, due to the development of electronic currency market is relatively mature, the electronic money legislation also more complete. electronic money in our country is still in a development stage, the formulation of rules must be flexible, not too strict, too strict will hamper innovation, inhibit the development of electronic money. But if the rules are too lax, due to legal loopholes, can lead to electronic money market chaos. At present, our country is not a complete method of electronic money to electronic money market regulation, although made some normative legal documents to regulate the development of E-money, but there are still some legal loopholes. This paper based on the summary of electronic currency, in order to understand what is electronic currency and legal characteristics of the electronic money.Then the current situation of the development of electronic money market of our country and the future development trend are described, and then to our electronic currency legislation present situation as the breakthrough point, to explore a series of problems due to the lack of legislation, aimed at to analyze problems from the perspective of legislators, substantial Suggestions for China’s electronic currency legislation. At the end of the article, the author concludes that our country should draw up a special method of electronic currency, and puts forward Suggestions to perfect our legislation of...
Keywords/Search Tags:electronic money, legislation, regulatory system
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