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To Realize China’s Dream Of Philosophical Thinking

Posted on:2016-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467499392Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the eighteenth congress, xi jinping, general secretary put forward and systematically expounds the important thought of "Chinese dream", points out the connotation of the Chinese dream as well as the realization path of substance is to guide us to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation’s guiding ideology.China’s dream, aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad, academic circles also conducted in-depth research from various angles. This paper in jinping on China’s dream as the basis, using the marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, to dream of the Chinese social history background and connotation of the essence, realize China’s dream to deal with a basic relationship, and realize China’s dream of basic path three aspects, to realize China’s dream of philosophical thinking.First, the background and connotation about Chinese dream. Any put forward the important thought is the product of the era, Chinese dream is no exception. Realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the biggest dream since modern Chinese and unremitting struggle, it is made of the principal contradiction and the history of Chinese modem task. China is a historical process to achieve the dream. Historically, Chinese dream has undertaken since modern times the struggles of the Chinese nation, from a practical view, the development of China since the reform and opening to achieve the Chinese dream laid the material foundation and institutional guarantee, created the international environment. Therefore, put forward the Chinese dream has its profound historical and realistic basis. The connotation of the Chinese dream is to realize the national prosperity and rejuvenation, the people’s happiness, the three is mutual infiltration and connection of unified whole; And the Chinese dream in the final analysis is the dream of the people, the essence of the Chinese dream deep reflects the historical materialism about the basic ideas of the people are the makers of history.Second, about to realize China’s dream to grasp a basic relationship. According to the materialism dialectic point of view, everything in universal connections and eternal development, is a development in connect with each other. Realize China’s dream will also need to grasp the basic relationship. Among them, the deal with the relationship between China’s dream, with the rest of the world, to grasp the relationship between the development of China and the countries of the world development and peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit and reciprocity, cooperation and win-win approach in the development of national contradiction; The country rich and strong, rejuvenation, and people happiness constitute the full content of the Chinese dream. In the process of realize China’s dream, also want to grasp the three relationships, the country rich and strong is the premise, rejuvenation is the core of people’s happiness is the end-result; Realize China’s dream is to grasp the relationship between the Chinese dream and personal dreams. The Chinese dream, is dream, dream, the nation is the dream of every Chinese. The unity of the Chinese dream and personal dreams, reflected the social and personal, social ideals and personal between the dialectical unification relations.Third, about the basic path of the Chinese dream. China dream from ideal into reality, it is necessary to combine ideals and practice, find the basic route of achieving this goal:first, must adhere to the scientific socialism theory logic combined with the history of China’s social development logic, unswervingly following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics; Second, must according to the requirement of the development of advanced productivity, adjust social basic contradiction, make the production relations for productivity, superstructure suited to economic base, perfect all kinds of system and system, unswervingly take the path of reform and opening up; Again, it is necessary to combine ideal faith and pragmatic spirit, in carrying forward the Chinese spirit and cohesion in the Chinese power, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Chinese dream, To realize Chinese dream, Philosophical thinking
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