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Under The Background Of Theory Of Governing The Country By Constitution Kongshen Prosecutorial System Perfect

Posted on:2016-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B WuFull Text:PDF
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To rule by constitution research at home and abroad more slowly, but under the background of governing the country in accordance with the constitution of the corresponding specialized research on legal system research level is not much, for the general supervision of the procuratorial organs is legal supervision of the research is also more, but appeal to specific charges of procuratorial system research focused on small paper, smaller in governing the country by constitution study of citizens’ basic rights, especially the citizens basic rights such as citizens’supervision, in combination with judicial practice of the research is focused on the citizens of supervision of judicial supervision and direction, the citizen’s supervision and procuratorial accuse appeal system combining research is less. Another for citizens to supervise research has expanded to the network public opinion supervision, "human flesh" research in the field of supervision, etc. This is a natural extension of citizens supervision, mainly studies the civil supervision under the network environment of the main characteristics and citizen supervision under the network environment, the value of the country’s social life, reveals citizen supervision exercised under the network environment, this paper analyses the causes and the problems in the process. Other scholars from the judicial organ to study the protection of citizens’ supervision, relief citizen oversight of three forms:formulate legal documents; In the process of the exercise of indictment protection of citizens’ supervision; Through litigation activities for the citizens in their supervision of relief.How to really implement the rule by constitution? Under the big background of governing the country by constitution, to perfect relevant legal system is the development trend. To practically safeguard and the implementation of civil supervision in combination with working practice is the best way, but as the people’s procuratorate of judicial organs accusations of appeal system is still not enough for further study, on the society at present there are still some wrongs, and how to reduce the happening of the wrongs? Improve the system of justice top-level design of legislative changes, to strengthen the construction of charged appeal of procuratorial system and implementation, let citizens’ supervision and more effective and feasible, the three aspects and also a frontier problem of this research field, people’s court of jurisdiction for effective supervision, vest procuratorial organs with the procuratorial authority is restricting the effective system design. Procuratorial organs should also establish efficient sued appeal of procuratorial system, or of the prosecutorial supervision is just a dead letter., of course, more effective supervision method and give the public supervision, and must be practical, not on the shelf in the paper. The guarantee of citizens’ supervision can be very good to promote accuse complaint implementation of prosecutorial system, in accordance with the law office, is the best show, accept supervision of citizen oversight, KongShen system can play a proper role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Governing the country by constitution, Accuse complaint procuratorial, Citizen oversight, System consummation
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