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The Black Car Driver’s Daily Life And Coping With Stigma Strategy

Posted on:2015-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F HuFull Text:PDF
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In the eyes of the public, by a stigma generally just passively accept the negative effects ofprejudice and discrimination from the outside world. In fact, they can apply various strategies toreduce and eliminate the negative effects of stigma. Therefore, this approach helps to understand thereal operating condition of unlicensed drivers, thereby eliminating a stereotype of unlicensed driversThis article is in view of a stigma to understand the illegal operation of the vehicle’s dailyactivities and strategy use, on the stigma of unlicensed drivers of coping strategies at the same time,put the focus on unlicensed drivers with government, citizen groups and normal taxi drivers over dailyinteractions such as groups, in order to describe black car drivers daily operating life. Paper used fieldstudy and the method of secondary data, the stigma of unlicensed drivers coping strategies to steadythe black car in the market share, and how to balance between formal taxi and citizens tensions. Thetwo main way of data collection is obtained by different research objects (unlicensed drivers, citizens,government and media) in the illegal operation of the phenomenon of social relations, and unlicenseddrivers on the stigma of coping strategies. These two complementary data collection way, revealsunlicensed operation of day-to-day operations.
Keywords/Search Tags:unlicensed, illegal operation of vehicles, stigma, coping with stigma, taxi
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