The test outline of International students scientific literacy in (PISA) putforward that scientific literacy tests should consist of three aspects: scientific basicconcept, scientific practice process and scientific scene. Scientific concept is the coreelement of scientific literacy, and scientific concept education has become one of thethemes of the basic science education around the world. Chemical education is animportant part of science education, and in high school new chemistry curriculumstrengthens the scientific concept of education, and it aims to promote the students’understanding of the nature of science, cultivate students’ scientific literacy and theconsciousness and ability of lifelong learning, which is of great significance.Ordinary high school new curriculum standard states that in the course iscomposed of elective optional module and compulsory module, and the one optionalmodule is made up of six small modules, including Chemical and Life, Material,Structure and Properties, Chemistry and Technology, the Principle of ChemicalReaction, Organic Chemistry, and Experimental Chemistry.The elective module1chemical and life focuses on that the teachers have studentsrealize the chemical charm from their familiar situations in life and some experiencesthat students have obtained. It can help the students obtain the knowledge of chemistryand life, and gradually solve the life problem related to chemistry with chemicalknowledge. but also Besides, it can promote students’ basic understanding of chemistryand in daily science concepts life and terminology and scientific research process andmethods. And at the same time,it can help develop the chemical thinking ability andform some basic chemical Science concepts.This article mainly focuses on the following issues: First, it presents the analysisand research on the teaching materials and the life of the chemical science concepts ofPEP chemistry elective1Chemistry and Life, including chemicals, material change,chemical equilibrium, and chemical values. Second, it refers to the basic chemicalconcept in daily life and how teachers get scientific concept involved in teachings. Third,through the research of PEP chemistry elective1Chemistry and Life teaching case, wecan put forward some strategies of teaching our students basic concept in chemistry. |