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Xiangxi Miao Village Sports With Boarding Schools In Rural Areas The Interactive Development Research

Posted on:2015-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to grasp the xiangxi miao village sports, boarding schools in rural sportsdevelopment situation, analyzing the necessity and feasibility of the interactivedevelopment, explore the promotion of xiangxi miao villages and rural boarding schoolsports interactive development model, promote the miao village sports and theinteractive development of boarding schools in rural sports, to promote the developmentof the national fitness program, accelerate the process of socialization of sports. Thisstudy used questionnaire, interview survey, consulting relevant literature, logic analysisand other methods of xiangxi boarding schools in rural areas and boarding school inmiao village sports development present situation and interaction were investigated, theresults show that:Xiangxi miao village sports has traditional minority national sports resources, withnon-material cultural heritage, but a lack of space equipment and social sportsinstructors, lack of scientific guidance, to participate in the project, the less content of asingle, village sports development is not ideal. Xiangxi boarding schools in rural areashave to master modern sports technology of PE teachers, have certain sports equipment,sports teaching content is not rich, not arouse the enthusiasm of students in sports.Obvious school sports equipment cannot meet the needs of the students, the schoolextracurricular sports activities such problems as lack of organization and guidance.Xiangxi miao villages and rural boarding school sports in the gym concept, humanresources, location equipment, activities, as well as the interaction, the necessity andfeasibility of but is there no interactive consciousness both interactive action. Miaovillage to interact with boarding schools in rural sports development factors, mainlyinclude village and school leaders to the village and the interactive development ofschool sports consciousness is not strong, the lack of promoting village and interactionwith the coordination mechanism of school sports, villages and the management ofschool physical education, space equipment maintenance funding problems, and openspace equipment might lead the personal property security issues.In order to promote the xiangxi miao villages and rural boarding school sportsbenign interactive development, proposed should change attitudes and ideas of thevillage and the school leadership, establish village sports and school sports interactivedevelopment coordination mechanism, clear villages and boarding school sportsinteractive development main body, set up sports facilities resources security system,build sports service system strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiangxi, Miao village sports, Boarding schools in rural sports, Interactive development
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