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The Research On Technological Needs And Policies Of Developing Mobile Payment

Posted on:2016-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461461008Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, with the rapid development of Internet technology and mobile communication technology, the Internet plays a progressing affect on the social economy and various aspects of people’s lives, study and work and so on. Mobile payment, as a substantial portion of the Internet, will exert a very assignable role in activities of daily living. In recent years, mobile payment has gradually turned into a mean of payment, and is familiar and used by more and more people. However, as we all know that each thing, as well as mobile payment, will naturally come across a period of bottleneck in the development of science and technology, the paper focuses on this problem of mobile payment to discuss deeply.The paper can be divided into five sections. The author put forward question, analysis and find the solution step by step. The second part is an introduction of mobile payment from a macroscopic level to be useful for understanding. It summarizes some problems of safe, technology and policy in the process of mobile payment. And giving some successful examples of other developed counties, our country absorbs some successful experiences. We can analyze it on the basis of our actual situation. Besides, we can put forward some measures that can deal with the disadvantage of mobile payment. Mobile payment’s develop needs some technology and policy. Then we can put forward some constructive opinions for its develop. Making mobile payment develops more healthy and steady.The author starts to analysis each point and series of methods and policies in detail, hoping this paper can make some contribution to the mobile payments and be beneficial to the nation building.
Keywords/Search Tags:mobile payment, science and technology demand, policy, mobile operators, financial institutions
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