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Study On Credit Risk Management Of Small And Medium-sized Enterprises In Commercial Bank

Posted on:2015-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M GuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
SMEs financing is a world problem. It has become a major obstacle to the sustainable development of Chinese SMEs. Providing credit facilities to support the development of SMEs is the inevitable requirement of the development of SMEs and also an important part of deepening reform for commercial banks themselves. Since the generally small size of the SMEs, internal management is not standardized, weak profitability,lack of adequate collateral, it is difficult to meet the loan conditions of commercial banks. So,to deepen the study of the risk management of commercial bank lending to SMEs is to solve the financing difficulties of SMEs primary link.This paper introduces the designated type standards and the concept of credit risk of SMEs, discusses the evolution of the Basel Accord and the Chinese version of Basel Accord- "commercial bank’s capital management approach", which is the theoretical basis of this article. Then, analyze the problem of China’s commercial banks SMEs credit risk management, the commercial bank credit risk management system is imperfect, and reveal the root causes of these problems. To solve the problem of imperfect credit risk management system, based on the spirit of Basel Accord and the management experience of advanced international banking, combining the characteristics of SMEs credit risk of our country, proposed the establishment of Basel-based credit risk management system recommendations includes four points: first, to build SMEs credit risk measurement model under the IRB; Second, to establish a sound risk management framework; third, to improve SMEs credit management processes; Fourth, the construction of advanced credit risk management information systems. Finally, combining our actual shareholding commercial banks, make empirical research on the credit risk measurement models for SMEs under the IRB.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial banks, SMEs, Credit risk Management
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